Friday, November 24, 2017

the Dex is an upper

Over the last week or two I've been asked, a few times, Does it worry me that Dex is a mild "upper" and will stop me from sleeping? No, I reply, If I'm awake then I'm awake -- and there is always something to do while I'm awake. Anyway, I catch up by falling asleep for an hour or two at random times of the day.

This morning, though, did annoy me. But it's not just the Dex keeping me awake.

Four am. I'm awake. A few minor thoughts on my mind. No worries, I get up, go downstairs, follow some ideas on the PC. Except that my eyes are a bit dry -- too much PC use! -- so I don't want to stare too long at the screen.

Dr P had suggested use of a "blue light filter" to soften the blue glare of a PC screen. I search -- and find that Windows 10 has an option to reduce blue light. It's a setting, driven by software, no need to buy an actual filter. Very nice :-) I set the screen display to a milder sunset red, it seems easier on the eyes but it's hard to tell.

Eyes are still dry, slightly stinging. So I just sit and relax. With an extra bonus: It is very pleasant to just sit and relax -- with a view to the outside world -- in the hour or two before dawn. It's a beautiful time of day to be awake. Especially on a fine Spring morning.

Oh, and my taste buds seem to have recovered from whatever (chemo? radiation?) had messed them up. Food was tasting weird. I could not really enjoy the taste of a cup of tea or coffee. This morning: sipping hot tea, enjoying the flavour. At last :-)


But it's not just the Dex which keeps me awake!

My body is... or was... a well oiled machine. In particular I could almost guarantee that I would go to the toilet -- to pass poo -- some time mid-morning. This was a nuisance for any fun run which started early! I would hover round the toilets... waiting... till the poo had passed. Then I would be good for the run. And for many hours after.

Now I seem to have shifted my schedule. The main poo of the day seems to be ready before breakfast. Which means that I am a bit restless from my 4am awakening till... well, till the poo has passed. Which is a bit annoying.

On the bright side: far better timing for an early morning fun run! Now, if only the rest of my body were as ready for running... :-)

And now: my stomach tells me it is ready to eat. My taste buds are ready to enjoy. It's definitely time for breakfast.

==== Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper & Flaneur
        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

"Give a man an inch and he'll think he's a ruler" … Agent 86


Now much more than a clever name for a holiday journal:

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