Saturday, July 21, 2018

future planning

It's not often that I enjoy going to the dentist... This week, (a) there are no fillings and (b) it's good to find that I still need my teeth :-) Though it does seem a bit late in the day to have apparently mastered avoiding the constant need for fillings & repairs.

Deb & I were there together. As we left Deb made an appointment for her next check-up in six months' time. I said, I'll leave my next check-up for twelve months. Mostly because I don't really enjoy visits to the dentist. And it's nice to make a plan for so far in the future :-)

Bill Watterson - "There is not enough time to do all the nothing we want to do."

So we're planning a walking holiday, along the Cape to Cape track. A few months away yet, timed for Spring. Also timed for school holidays -- despite expected crowds of kids -- to suit Deb's sister's schedule.

The three of us plan to do the walk, Deb, her sister, me. "We" walked the C2C years ago. That is, Deb & her sister walked, I dropped and picked up for each day's walk. This year I'm expected to walk rather than drive. Ah well. As Jack Benny almost said:

"Give me [hiking shoes], fresh air and a beautiful partner, and you can keep the [shoes] and the fresh air."

Last week I thought that I was feeling fine. This week, the improvement from Tuesday to Wednesday is so noticeable... I guess I was still affected by the tail end of having a cold. For the last few days... nights... even the nights seem to be warmer ! The new electric blanket helps. But some nights I even turn that off.

I was accepting being cold at night as "normal". The new normal is feeling not quite as cold at night. And speaking of normal...

Last time the dentist saw me I was saying, I have brain cancer. This week, this lead to some conversation before my teeth were examined.

What brain cancer symptoms were there? he asked. None before the day of my collapse, I replied. Except for the large & hard testicle... I had been planning to ask the GP about that. Oops! a second (testicular) cancer...

I had known that the testicle was large and hard. But... after a while... it seemed almost normal. Normal enough to not panic.

Then it was removed. I looked at the remaining testicle and thought, Wow, that other one really was extra large... My view of "normal" had grown with the cancerous testicle.

And back to that holiday plan:

We will walk in Spring. Which just happens to be, a week or two after my next brain scan. Ooo-kay. I'll schedule the scan and move the oncologist appointment a bit earlier than planned, so I will know the results before we start walking.

If a tumour is back... things could be interesting. Walking with a fresh surgery scar ? Perhaps I can cut a hole in my hat for self-radiation treatment ? No worries !

We plan to enjoy ourselves. All sorts of things could interfere with that plan. My illness is nothing, compared to Deb's sister's potential problems !

Enjoy life :-) While we can. And then, enjoy life just a bit more.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

"I've found that there's a reason for everything… I constantly make the wrong decisions." … Pardon my Planet


Dying for you to read my blog, at :-)

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