Monday, July 30, 2018

living it up

Last night I had a strange dream. (Is there any other type of dream ?! ) I was being chased by a mob of people who wanted to hurt me. (Possibly a subconscious combination of feeling threatened by cancer, and too much reading of violent fantasy novels.)

I reached shelter, knew I was safe. Deb was not there. Yet I knew -- with absolute certainty -- that Deb would soon join me there. (No need for me to interpret that, is there ?) The happy certainty stayed with me as I woke up.

There was someone else in the shelter... It was a house, the owner had let me in. The owner was a woman. No name, no image, just a perception of another, female, person in the same room as me. Helping me to hide from the mob. I woke up with an erection.

In the last couple of weeks there has been a minor improvement in the way my body works. Minor, but significant: regular, responsive, actual erections. They don't last long. I doubt they're useful for any practical purposes. Just a pleasant feeling plus smug satisfaction. Hey, I'm a bloke :-)

It's a combination, I believe, of both physical and emotional improvement. Doing more running, including the satisfaction of completing a trail run. Getting our tax sorted out, well before any deadline ! Planning a holiday -- on the assumption that my next MRI scan will be clear. All adding up to physical and emotional improvement.

On the other hand, I have done some very early pre-MRI worrying. What if the cancer is back ? What treatment will be recommended ? How long until I die ? I don't want to die !

"What treatment will be recommended ?" See ? I have no consideration that I will be "beyond" treatment. Basic blind optimism still rules. I push the worries (fears) aside and get on with life.

Here's my thinking: My tumour was in a relatively "safe" location, with just one known effect (collapsing in a fun run). If the tumour comes back in the same spot, it can be removed again. If it comes back in a different spot -- I'll take that as the cancer diagnosis from which I still have a 50% chance of living for another 12 months. No worries :-)

I still have times when I worry about dying. I tell myself, Nothing I can do about it so stop worrying. And it seems to work. Any moody, miserable complaints about life, the universe and everything -- are just me, being me. Just as bad as I have always been !

Though I'm still trying to deal with one side-effect -- of the chemo drugs ? -- which seems to hang around: my digestion.

As far back as I can remember, I have been able to eat and successfully digest anything. (Except those suspicious mushrooms that I found under the lemon tree.) Now, I have occasional vague feelings of digestive unease. And, last week, a burst of overactive throughput.

The "unease" is easily explained and dealt with: nerves. Pre-run nerves. To a lesser extent, pre the exhaustion of toddler watching nerves. As soon as the activity starts, the unease disappears. Easy fix.

What about the burst of overactive throughput ? I'm guessing that it was something I ate... The symptoms match. It's just that I've had years with no such issue. Still... what did I eat ? I think of what I ate before the over-activity, and test. (Which is a bit nerve-wracking: eating something which may or may not cause digestive upset.)

I seem to have eliminated (ha ! unintentional pun ! ) rolled oats as the culprit. Whole milk seems safe. Meat pie is next, for lunch today. With nowhere I have to be in the afternoon... Willing to risk the symptoms but prefer to stay at home while testing :-)

On a purely selfish note, this works for me:

It can be difficult to get Deb to say what she really wants to do. She prefers to do whatever it is that I want to do. Always has and it's even worse now. What I really want to do is, whatever will make Deb happy. (Well, okay, as long as it also makes me happy.)

That extends a bit further: if people around me, close to me, are happy -- and if I feel that I have helped -- I feel the happiness of a job well done. Even if I have nothing to do with other people's happiness -- other people's happiness still gives me a warm feeling.

And, to be brutal: I have one or three or six years in which to be happy. After that, I will not need any happy memories. It's other people who, I hope, will have happy memories.

A friend replied to one of my emails with the comment that I "sound decidedly chipper". I do my best... I see no need to spread gloom to other people. Also, I've found that being constantly cheerful -- really annoys the heck out of other people :-)

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

"I've found that there's a reason for everything… I constantly make the wrong decisions." … Pardon my Planet


Dying for you to read my blog, at :-)

1 comment:

  1. Stay cheerful mate. It wouldn't be you if you changed. Still reckon you are bloody tough. Also as they say little things can grow into bigger things and it might start working. Cheers Col
