Monday, February 4, 2019

good news, bad news

No, the bad news is not me...

Good news: At Saturday's orienteering I choose the Long course -- and finish. Sure, I'm last, by quite a few minutes. But I finish -- and that is my first "long" finish for a long time. Possibly for more than a year.

As I get back into orienteering I select shorter courses. I've never tried for speed, it's always about finishing. This year I am alternating: a short course when I have a trail run the next day, otherwise a long course. The long course is my "distance training". And finally -- I finish a long course :-)

Very satisfying.

Bad news: My cousin died. I have other cousins, this is the only one that I have kept in touch with. He was a nice bloke, despite being Irish. He had some good opinions, they must be good, we shared them. We only met half a dozen times in our long lives, I'll miss him.

It does remind me of all the things which I should be doing... just in case. Is that selfish?

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"If it's stupid but it works, it's not stupid." … Ginger Meggs


Dying for you to read my blog, at :-)

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