Friday, February 1, 2019

Be Prepared

In the category of, "Some Relevance to the Original Blog Topic":

Deb & I go for a drive today. Following the final leg of the Mundaring to Albany 4wd track. Just 35km of easy gravel road.

We have barely covered 5km when we stop... not our own fault... We stop to help a family in a broken-down car.

I don't catch the details but it seems that whatever the problem is, it is a known problem with a Jeep. That is, a phone call or two has determined that no, the engine has stopped, it needs specialist Jeep service. It needs to be towed to that service.

The tow service has said, We don't go off the highway. Get the car -- to the highway... 5km along a gravel road. With no power.

A few cars have passed, none could tow a broken-down car. The family has spent the night camped in the bush.

We have the right equipment! Tow connection, snatch strap, connectors. I carry the gear in the expectation that someone else will know how to use it.

The jeep driver connects our Prado to his Jeep, back-to-back. I tow him far enough up a hill for him to roll down again and turn his car. To face the right way.

He connects jumper leads, just to get the windows (electric windows) open... the family are stifling in the car, it's a hot day. We top up their water supply. The driver reconnects Jeep behind Prado. We tow to the highway.

The Park Ranger has passed by earlier, couldn't help but promised to return, to see if all was being sorted out. He returns, follows us to the highway. We leave the family in the shade, waiting for a tow truck.

We have helped another driver :-) We finish our drive, pleased with our successful adventure.

Relevant philosophy:

Amelia Earhart said, "The most effective way to do it, is to do it." I'm happy to report that it is just as effective to have the right equipment so that someone else can do it.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

"If it's stupid but it works, it's not stupid." … Ginger Meggs


Dying for you to read my blog, at :-)

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