Monday, February 11, 2019

no news was ...

At last, after months of having nothing much to say (and using a lot of words to say it) -- some different news:

My recent PET scan shows a shadow... Yes, it seems that the cancer may have sprouted up in a new spot. Behind my lungs.

This would have to be the testicular cancer. At least, it's the spreading pattern that I was warned of (when cancer was first discussed). Brain cancer may spread but usually only within the brain. I think.

Lung cancer ? Not likely. Though I did work in an office with smokers... Anyway, "behind" the lungs is what I've been told so far.

On the bright side, I also remember being told that spreading testicular cancer is not (usually) life-threatening. As long as it's treated. And it is "easily" treatable. On my first round of treatment, it was just radiation for the testicular cancer, no drugs. Oh, but the right nut was removed... Let's hope that future treatment avoids sharp knives.

All this is, so far, second-hand knowledge. The cancer doc's secretary has left a phone message (which I noticed many hours later, I'm not a phone user). The message is to set up an appointment "about my PET scan". No urgency there -- no information at all -- but I'll take that as a good sign.

Actual facts have come from my son, also a doctor and with access to my scan results. He phoned, thinking that I would have already heard from the cancer specialist... Noooo. Poor son, put in an awkward situation. Though as soon as he phoned I guessed that it was "news". And I'd rather hear it from him first rather than from the specialist. Nice woman but sometimes a bit too "specialist".

So how do I feel ? Not too happy. But, hey, no worse than I've been before. A bit glum. A bit disappointed. But:

In all my understanding, testicular cancer will not kill me. At least, not as easily and as quickly as brain cancer :-)

So, no need for extra worry. Not till March, when I'll be having my next brain scan.

Though with one cancer (so it seems) returned... I've lost just a bit of my optimism. Oh well.

And dang! I'd better hurry up with my preparations for death. Just in case... Naahhh… I'll just carry on enjoying myself. Till I can't :-)

So what could happen next ? No facts, just guesses:

I guess, another body scan. The PET does not show detail. If the detail confirms cancer, I guess more radiation. Or whatever.

I may find out on Thursday. The phone message was so soft I could barely hear it. But it did seem to say, "come in on Thursday". I *emailed*, Okay. Let's hope I get an email response... I like to have my facts in writing.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

"If it's stupid but it works, it's not stupid." … Ginger Meggs


Dying for you to read my blog, at :-)

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