Sunday, June 2, 2019

prepare for scans

a week till my next scans, two weeks till i get the results. time to stress!

meanwhile, late notes on past happenings...

a few weeks back, deb & i are at a rogaine. none of this camping in a tent for us, we stay overnight in a rather nice cottage. a week later -- i realise that i have lost my house key. no worries... except that my wedding ring is attached to the same key ring :-( i'd taken the ring off as i was bloating during chemo -- take the ring off while i still can! and now the ring is lost...

several weeks later i pick up the shorts that i wore on the rogaine -- and the key falls out. with my wedding ring :-) oh well. i blame that temporary "loss" on old age...

now the ring is back on my finger. never to be removed again :-)

for a week i have "an aching tooth", it hurts to eat. turns out that i have a permanently cramping jaw muscle... so i rub the muscle, stretch my jaw, and the ache fades. a week later, no ache at all.

i'm fairly certain that the cramp is a result of clenching and grinding my teeth while i sleep. i do wake up feeling that my teeth have been clenched, hard. so now, when i wake at night, i often spend a bit of time rubbing and stretching my jaw muscle. it seems to work, that muscle is fine...

the muscle on the other side of my jaw is now aching! so i now rub and stretch both sides of my jaw. which leads back to my first paragraph: time to stress!

another sure sign of stress: i get cross. mostly at inanimate objects. i do a lot of swearing at "things".

i explain to deb that it's stress causing me to be cross, to be swearing a lot. i apologise. deb suggests that she does not notice any difference...

so what do we do to reduce stress?

we drive out of the city, out amongst farms. oohing and aaahing at a few early lambs :-) it's always pleasant to be out in the country. and we go orienteering. two days, two events. orienteering is always (almost always) good fun.

i walk round the shortest "hard" (navigation) course. i walk about 3km, no worries. except that on even the slightest uphill, i puff and pant and slow down. so unfit!

i've finished the recent chemo. no excuses. time to get back into training, for the cradle mountain run! it's a loooong term plan :-)

====    Dr Nick Lethbridge  /  Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting / Problems? Solved.

"Be excellent to each other" … Bill & Ted

dying for you to read my blog: :-)

1 comment:

  1. I had to cut off my wedding ring. Hurt finger playing indoor cricket.
