Saturday, July 3, 2021

only Deb is worried

Well that's interesting...

I'm walking and -- my legs feel all wobbly. Very strange.

So I take the time to let Deb panic. I think about it. Decide that it is nothing serious. Not sure if Deb is fully convinced... Sorry, Deb :-(

It's my inner ear, the body's normal balance mechanism:

I've spent the afternoon reading. My head doesn't move. Crystals settle amongst hairs... when I move, the crystals are stuck. Balance depends on crystals moving against hairs. This isn't working -- so I feel unbalanced.

But why are my legs wobbly? I concentrate on exactly what I'm feeling...

My auto-balance is not working. My legs want to move, to keep me standing straight. But the legs have no information -- nothing from the inner ear -- on the correct way to move. So the muscles twitch a bit... wondering which way to move. ie feel wobbly.

I tell Deb that it's okay. I've had this before. It used to be after hours of staring at a WoW screen. Today it's after hours staring at -- reading from -- my tablet.

Now I've done the head banging head-shaking standard fix. Now I'll test: back soon -- I hope :-)

Okay, all good :-)

Years ago I had to cut back on my WoW time.

But I'm blowed if I'll cut back on my reading time!
Just get used to feeling dizzy, I guess !
All good... or good enough :-)

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

One joy scatters a hundred griefs" ... Chinese proverb


Dying for you to read my blog, at :-)


  1. Need To listen to your body ànd take care

  2. Get up every 30 minutes and walk once around the house.
