Thursday, October 7, 2021

home. with bad memories

The point of this blog is to allow me to get things off my chest. More accurately... off my mind. It is my own view of what happens.

I have been home for a day. Had my best sleep for a week. Eaten food which exactly suits what I want. I am well rested. Feeling well.

I am still bloody furious.

The advantage of a thermostat in a room is that I can get the room to be warm enough for comfort. For *my* comfort.

I have the room warmed up. Plus a few blankets. I really do like to be warm.

A nurse takes my temperature. It's a fraction of a degree above normal. Yes, I feel my forehead and it does feel warm.

Throw off some blankets. within minutes I am back to normal... as usual.

From now on, every conversation refers to my "temperature spike".

Perhaps I have an infection? Where? I ask. I'm told that lung infections are common in hospitals.

Lung infection?? Does anyone pull out a stethoscope? Listen to my lungs? Not bloody likely.

First comment is, we'll have to keep you in hospital for an extra day. Plus a chest xray... eventually. Plus antibiotics. Why?! There is no evidence of infection -- just one temperature spike.

Why not an immediate xray? Or at least listen to my fucking breathing. No. Just, I'll have to stay an extra day.

What?! Do they get a bloody commission from the hospital?

I say that I would rather cough out my lungs at home, rather than stay in this hospital for an extra day. (Sorry Deb.)

Eventually I'm told, There's a nice doctor who will take some blood. Analyse it and -- within hours -- have identify any infection.

The doctor says, ... and I'll leave a cannula... No, don't, I say. I hate these bloody things stuck in my body.

He takes blood and leaves a cannula.

I hear no more....

Until the middle of the night: Here are your antibiotics. Oh, I ask, so the blood analysis has shown an infection? Not as far as this nurse knows. I tell her to bugger off with the antibiotics.

Next day -- as I'm leaving. Against medical advice. I ask, What are the results of the blood analysis? Clear, says the nurse.

So why the fuck is the story still: we want you for another day's stay, take these antibiotics, have a chest xray...The only evidence is that I am healthy. So wtf?!

Now that I'm home I take the antibiotics -- because Deb says so.

I do a lot of sleeping. With enough blankets to feel warm. And yes, my forehead did feel warm -- until I threw off one blanket.

If that's fever due to infection... then the antibiotics are a waste of time.

Now I'm home. Yes... I can imagine all sorts of symptoms.

I wish the doctor had suggested a CT scan -- to see if his drain works have actually worked... to see if my *actual* problem is fixed... it's too bloody easy to imagine a headache.

Is it really a good idea to take panadols -- to cover up the only symptom that is both obvious and possible?

No... forget the evidence... let's look for hidden symptom-less infections and stay in hospital. Rotting my spirit for no real reason.

No thanks. I'd rather feel well -- and be at home.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

Question authority. Don't expect to like the answer." ... per Ginger Meggs


Dying for you to read my blog, at :-)

1 comment:

  1. Makes you question the competence of the hospital system.
