Monday, June 13, 2022

still here

I've been quiet for a while. Not to worry... it's a case of can't-be-bothered.
There's a whole lot of stuff that I should -- or could -- be doing but I just can't be bothered.

Physically I'm fine. Still going round the lake once or twice a week. (8km, takes me 1.5 hours.)
Today is typical: I'm sitting at home. Feeling miserable. Drag myself up and out the door, go round the lake. I enjoy it. And it's a lot better than sitting round all day.

Day by day I enjoy life. I can't shake the thought that I have terminal cancer. Puts a real pall on my day. Still...

I've passed seventy years old! So old! (With no apologies to all the people who are even older :-) Doesn't actually feel any older.

Deb and I spend Sunday morning on a trail run. We each win our class: at our age the competition stays in bed on Sundays. Especially rainy Sundays... We ran, finished, returned to the car -- and drove home in the rain... good timing :-)

Going back a week: 
Orienteering over several days, on a farm near Brookton. So Deb and I spend a night in Brookton, with orienteering before and after. We are fresh and rested from our night in a warm & comfy chalet (others camped, it's 6C in the morning. We win our event. It helps that we are the only ones who do that course on each day.
We have Sunday dinner at the only pub in town which serves dinner. It's a full house for roast. The only choice is, large plate or small. And it's delicious. We call it "my birthday dinner". Just the two of us. Very nice, a romantic pub meal :-)

I've had trouble with my old Android tablet. It's older than this blog, it's been round the world, round WA, I type most blog posts on it.
It's underpowered, can't fit new apps, sometimes locks up. I tossed it across the room, power switch is now a bit loose, otherwise it's fine.

So I bought a brand-new Apple tablet. It's a pile of crap. It wants me to change the way I "work", to suit its software.
Speaking of software: I accidentally touched the screen and deleted an entire document. And I tried an online course, tried an obvious option -- and lost all access to the course.

My son has sorted out some problems.
For example: If my mobile phone rings then the tablet also rings. Really? If I can't be bothered answering the phone then no way am I going to answer the tablet. So that "feature" is now stopped. Just as well... another app wants to use the microphone but I can't get any microphone to work... which would make it difficult to answer a phone call.
Oh. And, along with every new Apple tablet -- every so often it locks up. And eventually restarts.
Sometimes it stops and claims to be too hot. In winter.

The old tablet is well past its use-by date. The new tablet is back in its box in a cupboard. I'm already depressed. I don't need a crap device which also makes me angry.

Having unburdened myself, I always like to end a post on a positive note. So...

That document that I deleted. I can recreate it on the PC. That's the device with a real keyboard. And a screen that I can touch and the worst that happens is that the screen gets dirty.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

"The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page." ... Saint Augustine

Dying for you to read my blog, at :-)

1 comment:

  1. Some of the country pubs have great meals. Not fancy but tasty and plentiful.
