Sunday, December 18, 2022

Ghost Trail weekend

We spend Saturday night at the Yanchep Inn. It's an old hotel plus motel in Yanchep National Park. Our room is first floor, looking over grass and across the lake. Very nice. Plus, the grass has kangaroos and ducks, sitting, walking, sleeping, eating. A very relaxing outlook.
Deb does the driving, Yanchep NP is about an hour from home. Once we're settled in Deb goes for a walk. She has a fear of falling asleep in the afternoon and not being able to sleep at night. I have no such fear, I sleep in the afternoon and sleep again at night. Deb's walk is a bit longer than she planned: she finds the koalas, spots a few in their usual activity (sleeping), walks along a "Woodland Trail" that takes a while to loop back.

Dinner is the Christmas special, with ham, turkey, mystery sausage, plus dessert. All very nice.
Sunday we're up early -- out and walking by 5:30. That's why we're here: to walk around Loch McNess. Following the Ghost Trail.
It's 12km, we've done it before including as a trail run (those were the days!). Today is very peaceful, we meet no-one else at all. Three hours walking... and we're back at the Inn on time for breakfast. We had not realised that our room comes with breakfast, we have built an appetite, we enjoy a cooked breakfast.

With time to shower after the walk, pack up and check out. Followed by the drive home. Deb drives, I sleep, I do a lot of sleeping :-)
It's a good break, very pleasant, we may do it again next year :-)

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

"Yesterday I knew nothing. Today I know that." ... per Ginger Meggs

Dying for you to read my blog, at :-)

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