Monday, February 19, 2018

a night & a day

The middle of the night. I'm drifting off to sleep when Deb puts her foot on my crotch. Oho! I think with a smile :-) But Deb is fast asleep. She has stretched out a leg and -- by coincidence -- put her foot in my crotch. Very pleasant but entirely accidental.

My ability to lust was largely -- psychologically -- removed with my right nut. Not helped by the likelihood of dying thing, which is a bit of a downer. Or is it just age? My left nut is still interested, though mostly in an academic fashion. I'm interested but no longer driven.

Forget the analysis... Deb twists her foot a bit. I lie there and enjoy the experience. Thanks Deb :-)

Completely different experience: I wake up from a dream. Deb has just said (in the dream), that she has an enemy who keeps trying to hurt me. I try to stop this enemy.

My instant interpretation: My cancer is this "enemy" trying to hurt Deb. And I don't like it.

A strange night. But interesting.

The morning was for tradies. Most of the feedback was, Oooohhh, noooo, can't fix that. Oh well, it's a problem with a thirty-year old house where most fittings are as old as the house.

When the tradies are gone I go for a run... a slow jog... around the lake. Very pleasant, nice weather, see only one tiger snake. We each very carefully respect the personal space of the other.

Then lunch and -- you guessed it -- a couple of hours' sleep :-)

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

"Avoid criticism: say, do and be nothing." … per Ginger Meggs


1 comment:

  1. I don't like snakes. Keep the tigers north of the river.
