Monday, February 26, 2018

be happy, be Pollyanna

The Sunday paper explained how to live a long and enjoyable life. It seems that the secret is, to be happy. Easy, eh?

I follow Pollyanna: always look for something positive.

Pollyanna -- for those who don't know -- is the heroine of a series of books for young readers. She is soooo sweet. And soooo happy. Her catchphrase is, "That's something to be glad about!"

One Christmas the only present that Pollyanna received was a second-hand pair of crutches. After some thought she realised that, at least she did not *need* the crutches... And that's something to be glad about :-)

I read the book just a few years ago. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Especially liked the positive approach -- and began to apply it. Brilliant!

So I take chemo drugs for one week in four and the drugs really wear me down. But that leaves three weeks in four when I am *not* on drugs... And that is something to be glad about :-)

So I have terminal brain cancer but I have no pain... And that is something to be glad about :-)

So I have brain cancer and every other week I hear of a brain cancer sufferer who was diagnosed and was dead within weeks but I am still alive six months later... And that's something to be glad about :-)

So I find it difficult to get up the energy and enthusiasm to meet people but friends, relatives and family are still there... And that is definitely something to be glad about :-)

I'm glad, I'm happy, Pollyanna works!

According to the Sunday paper I should live a long and enjoyable life. According to historical statistics I should miss out on one of those. But the other -- the enjoyable life -- is still available.

And that's something to be glad about :-)

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

"Avoid criticism: say, do and be nothing." … per Ginger Meggs


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