Friday, February 16, 2018

change to training plan

Mondays & Wednesdays are my days for running training. This Monday I had lots of excuses...

Tired from all the activity of the previous week. Tired because this is my chemotherapy week. Weather is too hot to run. Don't want to fall asleep while toddler watching on Tuesday. 

So I decide to not run on Monday. And am still so tired on Tuesday that I'm dropped at home -- to sleep -- after just a half day of toddler watching.

Wednesday is my other day for running training. I use all the excuses from Monday -- and do not run.

Thursday I finally go for a walk. Deb walks & jogs, resting a sore leg. I just walk, it's the best I can do! Not quite 5km in an hour. Then I sleep some more. Looks as though it will be a slow time at orienteering on Saturday!

We've been going to the metro orienteering events with Deb's sister. Deb does her own course, the sister and I walk a shorter course.

One week Deb & I did the same course (no sister). I jogged, Deb walked -- and Deb beat me. Her sister also walks faster than I can jog... but holds back to my pace. We don't compete, we participate :-) And enjoy the outing.

To suit reality, I have now updated my training plan.

The plan had been quite simple: "Run slowly, run further each week." I had stretched myself to 6km in less than an hour. Twice. It was getting a bit easier to keep going. Until this week... when it is difficult to even get started!

So here is my new plan: "Run slowly, run further each week. Except in drug weeks where I will rest, do nothing, possibly walk a bit."

My first plan was the river, flowing faster & faster towards the ocean. My new plan is the incoming tide of the ocean, with waves coming in... then going out again. But each time coming in a bit further.

Unless, of course, my plan changes again, to become the lake: placid, calm, going nowhere at all. And possibly full of ducks, though I'm not sure how they fit into the analogy.

Time to take some tablets, then get back to bed. Today will be more toddler watching. I plan to be awake for the morning -- but expect to be sent home again -- to sleep -- at lunch time :-)

There, drugged up to the eyeballs. Time to get back to bed.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

"You're only young once but you can stay immature forever" … per Ginger Meggs



1 comment:

  1. Toddler watching is tiring. just like walking . Well not quite Cheers Col
