Friday, April 13, 2018

drug week, day four

During my Drug Week I don't like to commit to social engagements, to long drives... to anything which takes me away from home for more than an hour. Today includes a practical example of why.

The day, Thursday, starts well. Each Drug Week is a battle to balance two drug side-effects, diarrhea and constipation. I've been monitoring my poo -- as one does -- and decide that I can reduce the daily dose of anti-constipation powder. So I take one sachet in the evening -- but not the usual sachet in the morning.

All goes well. Mid-morning I pass enough solids to make any nurse happy.

Afternoon, Deb is going for a run. I have accepted that Drug Week is for resting and sleeping. This time though I say, Yes, I will go too. I will walk for an hour. Deb runs in one direction, I walk in another.

Have I mentioned my idea that walking and running are each a good counter to constipation? If I don't go to the toilet before a fun run -- I will need to go quite soon after I start running. Today, the idea is tested...

I've been walking for just twenty minutes when I realise that a toilet would be a good idea.

I walk another ten minutes in the direction of the nearest toilet when I realise that the need for a toilet is urgent. I clench my bum... walk in a very peculiar tight-arsed fashion... it's no use... I really, really need a toilet.

Luckily I'm running in a natural bush park. There is no-one else in sight... I clench my way into the bush, drop my pants, squat... and pooooo. Aaaahhhh... the relief!

As far as I can tell -- from looking at a pile of poo on the ground -- it's just towards the too-soft end of the poo scale. Nowhere near the runny diarrhea end of the scale. A good movement, just over-eager to be passed.

So over-eager that I have dirtied my pants. (You know, I sometimes wonder who reads this blog. I know why I don't re-read it: I was there, once was enough. It can be embarrassing. But it does help me to write as much of the story as I can.) I cover the pile with leaves.

At least I can now walk comfortably. Though I wonder if any poo has dribbled down the back of my leg (the running shorts are loose around the legs). I walk to avoid the few other people in the park.

Continue my walk, to the nearest public toilet. Where I wipe my bum -- and my shorts. After all, I have nothing else to wear till we get home! Finish my walk and we go home.

I now have one more definite example in support of my "run against constipation" idea. Trouble with Drug Week is that I am too tired to run, or even to walk very far. Perhaps it's time to drag myself out anyway... next month. Rely on walking and reduce the anti-constipation powders. Perhaps I can go on a walk which goes round and round a public toilet :-)

On the drive home I tell Deb of my adventures. Except... I do not mention the poo in the pants. We're married, Deb has to listen. But enough, I believe, is enough. Especially when I'm wearing poo-y pants and sitting next to her in the car.

The rest of the day is good. Deb cleans the house, I sit and relax. Deb makes dinner, I eat my share. Deb watches tv, I go to sleep quite early. It's been a tiring day.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

"Even if a million people repeat the same nonsense, it is still nonsense" … Anatole France (paraphrased)


1 comment:

  1. Quite an experience,not to be had too often .Cheers Col
