Friday, April 20, 2018

then and now

Monday morning, starting about 2am, I spend four hours sitting downstairs. Near the toilet. With regular runs of the dread Dunny Dash.

Ah! memories of the early days of my drug regime :-) Hmmm. But not good memories. Ah well.

Is it a side-effect of the last drug week? I doubt it. Perhaps long-term damage due to radiation and drugs? Unlikely. My guess is that it is a result of too much, too fast, dodgy left-over chicken curry. Nothing rotten, just too much curry for my apparently delicate digestion.

I don't dare sleep until the Dunny Dash is done. So I am tired on Monday. Not to worry, my main task is to be home for tradesmen -- and rain stops most of the work. There is, however, one unpleasant side-effect of being tired.

First: being tired is nothing new. When I was fit (ie more fit than now) I was running regularly -- and regularly feeling tired. Push the body a bit and I'm tired while I recover. It now takes a lot less to push the body and to make me tired.

Monday night -- feeling tired -- I have a nasty thought: I don't want to die! Well, fair enough. But it's not a pleasant thought and it's not a very useful thought. The thought is depressing. I recognise the depressed feeling as a result of being tired... a good reason to avoid feeling tired.

So I get a good night's sleep and feel better in the morning. Sure, I still don't want to die! But now it's just a thought. Not a nasty thought.

And now: back to my usual status :-)

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

"Even if a million people repeat the same nonsense, it is still nonsense" … Anatole France (paraphrased)


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