Tuesday, February 25, 2020

another MRI, done

I have another MRI this evening. Different company, same mad excitement of a thumping, loud machine. It always feels a bit science fictiony to me, I'm hoping to spin up to speed, flash a lot of lights -- and climb out onto a different planet. No such luck :-(  Not this time, anyway :-)

There is one difference to the normal procedure: instead of a cannula, the contrast is just an injection. Into the usual vein on the inside of my elbow but it doesn't worry me. An injection is fine, it's the cannula in my vein that I don't like.

So that's done. Now we just wait for the results.

I'm still optimistic although -- in classic double-think -- I still believe that the scan will show a new tumour.

Oh well. All will be revealed. In a few more days :-)

Nick Lethbridge  /  consulting dexitroboper
"The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it away from you." … B.B. King

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