Friday, June 11, 2021

another good result

Thursday, we see the surgeon. So, we ask,what did you remove?

First, he admires his needlework. Nicely done and I'm healing well. Better yet -- turns out, these are dissolving stitches. I just wait... and they are removing themselves.

Then we look at pictures... my brain again, after the surgery.

Yes, that large rounded area is indeed, empty space. So what was removed? Analysis shows that it was nearly all -- scarring. Or, radiation necrosis. It took a very long time to appear, but... that's what it is. Or was.

To be specific: No new tumour. Which is excellent news :-)

Yes, there are cancer cells. Perhaps 2% of what was removed was cancer cells. There will always be cancer cells (the cancer is incurable). But no cells grown into a tumour. A tumour would have been "bad" news.

I'm back to where I've been for the last couple of years: cancerous but on hold. Back to enjoying life... between scans :-) Phew!

Should I take it easy? Avoid vigorous exercise for a few months? No... get running... Oh rats. Oh well... back in training for Cradle Mountain :-)

Time to arrange yet another MRI, says the surgeon. Leave that to the oncologist? I suggest. Good idea, agrees the surgeon, do it all through the one doc.

So we see the oncologist next week. Let her suggest the timing for the next scan. And treatment? That's up to the oncologist...

I'm betting that radiation will not be suggested :-) Not after removing all that radiation burn. Surgery? done. Chemo, already taken that to the limit. So... I hope... back to just waiting, scanning, enjoying life :-)

The surgery removed non-cancerous stuff. Was it worth it? Yes... just the scarring has permanently damaged my vision. Not cancerous but damaging -- and it could have been getting worse. Definitely better out than in.

Should I have had surgery even earlier? Perhaps removed the shadow as soon as it appeared? Possibly...

Remove the first shadow and... I would not have lost my peripheral vision? But I would have been thinking, There is no damage (yet) so why am I having surgery? And... perhaps the scarring would have continued to grow -- and cause damage -- even after being largely removed.

Urgent surgery may have been a good idea. But... there would still be doubt: doubt that it was even necessary.

So... see a shadow, cut it out, or... wait (as we did) for symptoms? There's no clear answer. It's a matter of judgement, probabilities, and luck.

I'm quite happy that we made all the right decisions. Quite happy because... well, it's now too late to change the past :-)

Going in to see the surgeon I'm quite certain that he has removed a tumour. But not at all worried. Better out than in. And yet... There's still great relief: just radiation necrosis! And now it's gone. Phew, indeed :-)

We celebrate with coffee and cake :-)

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere ... Chinese proverb


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