Wednesday, June 23, 2021

really annoying

Some things are annoying. The soles of my feet -- under the toes and under the front of the feet... still "tingle". Hard to describe. Somewhere between a tingle and ... numb. Except that sometimes it gets very very itchy. And that is annoying. Till it stops itching.

Something that is *really* annoying, is my eyesight.

No, not the loss of peripheral vision. Just my eyesight which has faded due to age.

I definitely need reading glasses. My distance vision is at the limit where -- legally -- I should wear glasses for driving. Just walking round, I'm fine. Except...

Now that I can't see to my left -- I need to be more careful about what I can see.

I have to watch carefully. Watching all round... more alert to what I see -- and don't see.

And that awareness makes me more aware of my normal... remaining... eyesight. I'm more aware that what I see is less clear than I would like.

So I've started wearing my glasses -- the distance / driving / everyday glasses -- all the time.

So with no apologies to people who have always had to wear glasses: Wearing glasses is really, really ... annoying.

Loss of peripheral vision? I just have to deal with that. For example:

We rogained on the weekend. Just a very pleasant stroll in the bush. Less than four hours. 150 points. I was definitely the slow one in our team :-)

Slow. Careful. Watching to my left. And I still managed to walk ... three times into trees. I tell you, those trees leapt out at me!

But walking into a tree is not annoying. Okay, my teammates worried that I could walk left off a cliff. But trees? No, not annoying.

Quite funny, in fact :-) Because, well... I wasn't having a conversation with the trees... was I :-?

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere ... Chinese proverb


Dying for you to read my blog, at :-)

1 comment:

  1. I Can understand My left side is no are correct wearing glasses sucks
