Wednesday, September 22, 2021

rough and tough

It's been a rough and tough week. A bit rough for me -- though nothing serious. And tough for Deb, who has to put up with me.

My brain still floats on fluid -- including blood :-(
Is it getting worse? Well... the only symptoms that we know are... headaches which do not go away.
So of course I get a cold... which gets worse... and which comes with regular headaches. Mumble mumble... how to cause worry, eh.
The headaches don't linger and after a week they have stopped. Unless I worry about them :-(
Another CT scan next week, we'll see what it shows.

In better news, Deb & I went to our grandsons birthday party, at the local swimming pool. All 20 of his classmates were there. That was easy, they just ran riot at the other end of the pool.

At the very shallow end, Deb and I kept our toddler granddaughter amused. Deb would guide the girl up the steps of a very low slide. I would wait for her at the bottom then point the girl back towards Deb.
An hour of this... and I am totally exhausted.
My final task is to sit with the girl on my lap while kids all around us are being refuelled with various unhealthy snacks.
It's great fun :-) I then sleep for the next several days.
Which works well as my cold gets worse.

My preferred treatment for any illness is to sleep through it. Which I do.
Deb -- who has several times had to take me, urgently, to hospital or ED -- worries that I am in fact not able to wake up.

Today -- after sleeping through a lot of the day -- I feel a lot better.
The sun is shining. I feel the urge to get out in the open air.
Well, okay, best I can manage is to open the window and look out. That, however, is part of a major mood improvement :-)

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

Question authority. Don't expect to like the answer." ... per Ginger Meggs


Dying for you to read my blog, at :-)

1 comment:

  1. It's a bugger that when you are crook, colds and the like always come along to make you feel worse.
