Thursday, September 16, 2021

still floating

Tuesday I have a CT scan of my head. A CT scan is easy: quite fast, no needles.

Today the surgeon phones. The scan shows some fluid still, on the right-hand side. The left seems to be suitably drained. The fluid shows as brain fluid plus some blood. Good enough, I say :-?

How delicate is my brain? Not -- says the surgeon -- a post-operation problem. Just getting older: My brain is shrinking (lol) so there's room to rattle. No need to be extra careful, he says... just live a normal life.
Running? No worries.

But watch for symptoms. Most likely is... a headache which does not go away.

Perhaps, I think, I should also worry if my eyes turn red. Especially if they also glow in the dark... Oh, wait... no... that was a horror story I was reading.

I'll have another CT scan in 2 to 3 weeks. Then speak again with the surgeon. Till then-- at least till then --  no worries :-)

btw, "floating": My first car was a Mini. The Mini suspension "floated on fluid. Similar system to the brain, where brain fluid is essential. Only the blood is unwanted. As far as I understand it, anyway...

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

Question authority. Don't expect to like the answer." ... per Ginger Meggs


Dying for you to read my blog, at :-)


  1. Sounds like you're really having fun these days Nick.
    Oh well, you know what the bible says about 3 score and 10 (does it really, or is that just something I heard?).
    You were the only person to return a higher IQ than me (you bastard!), out of 1200 uni entrants back in '69. Maybe all those fluids leaving your brain will drag you back to my level ... LOL!
    I hope the guys in that cold hospital read your blog.

    1. Hello Sid,

      Fun days indeed!
      Oh yes, I remember those IQ results. Though my own memory is possibly more positive than yours ... rofl

      Now that I have a hole in my brain I'm considering having a secondary processor installed in the space. Don't worry -- you can still be number two :-) lol
