Thursday, September 29, 2022


I enjoy three hours of peace and quiet
Little birds hopping distant birds singing
Occasional people arriving
A young couple with a young baby ask me about tracks
They set off saying they will turn back off it gets difficult
I'm glad to see them when they safely return

Also glad to see Deb when she returns
She says Nancys peak is the best walk so far rocky steps but good views

Unfortunately the rest of the group also return

I'm starting to recognise faces even remember some names
But when I see a group of people eating lunch I have no idea if it's our group
Till I spot Deb
Makes it hard to talk to anyone when I am not sure who it is

Almost enough time to drink my tea then we're off again
To Castle Rock

I stay behind again
I'm too slow and unsteady for their risk assessment

If just me and Deb then I'd walk the 2.2km no worries just slowly
What a bugger
Definitely no more group tours for me

Can't even bail  and go home

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper


Dying for you to read my blog, at :-)

The word "boobs" is so scary until you get to the second "b". (Alfred E. Neumann

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