Thursday, October 26, 2023

probably boring

Okay, we already know the results of my latest scan: nothing interesting.
Now we have the official word from the cancer doc: "nothing interesting" :-)

It's a phone consultation. Deb asks, What did she say?
Well, I heard, "no sign of tumour growth" and "April" Apart from that, I'm defeated by my deafness and the doc's slight accent.
What else did she say? asks Deb. I have no idea, I'm only guessing that she said something about no change. Oh, and the doc asks how I am? I probably replied fine, fine, as ever. I don't really listen, if it's important I'm sure she'll repeat it. I pass the phone to Deb.

The doc says that the next scan can wait for six months.
All very uninteresting. Which is all good :-)

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper

Whoever said "fighting never solves anything" obviously never won a fight

Dying for you to read my blog :-)

1 comment:

  1. Very happy you had a great result. You can relax for Christmas.
