Monday, January 6, 2025

any effect?

my GBM is established in my brain stem. killing me slowly and quietly. 
chemo every three weeks may be slowing the inevitable. 
I had an MRI this morning to check progress (or lack of:-). won't know the results till we see the cancer doc in a week or so. 
poor Deb,  I asked if she could wait for me
... she waited an hour and a half,  I'm not sure why but it all seemed to take a lot longer than usual. 

I also had a CT chest scan. I just want reassurance that nothing nasty has grown since my last PET scan a a year or so ago. 

knowing that deb was sitting in the waiting room was both a worry -- and a comfort. 

then we had lunch at floreat kiosk. always okay food and we love the "ambience"

If all else fails -- get a bigger hammer

dying for you to read it :-)


Dr Nick Lethbridge
Consulting Dexitroboper



  1. Alternatively, if all else the instructions ;)

  2. I hope the treatment is doing its job.
