Sunday, January 12, 2025


terminal cancer for seven years 
now it's killing me, schedule unknown. 

my attitude has been,  there is no cure.  I take the recommended treatment try to not let it get me down. accept,  cope, live each day as it comes. 
all very much in keeping with a mindfulness philosophy. 

now I read:
there are people who accept each day as it comes. 
others who refuse to accept that that is how it is. 

it's the refusers who change the world...

well bugger it...
I would rather change the world. 

truth is,  this comes from my self identification as a collapsed narcissist. 
don't worry what that really means... but it leads me to give advice. 

okay... no one wants advice
though feel free to ask me...
other people, mostly strangers,   will be getting my free, unwanted, advice, which they will ignore. I will feel a lot better for having given it :-)

test assured... I am not at all happy to have cancer. 
I continue the recommended,  only available,  treatment. with more complaints and anger and bad humour. 

will it affect this blog?  I have no idea... yet. 
probably not
... this is my cancer blog.  I expect my bad attitude to be more about life away from cancer. (a separate blog)

If all else fails -- get a bigger hammer

dying for you to read it :-)


Dr Nick Lethbridge
Consulting Dexitroboper


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