Deb is at a sprint O event.
I prefer to sit at home, resting and relaxing.
my relaxation involves snoozing
.... while Meatloaf is playing rather loudly :-)
I've had a few mornings when I wake up not able to breathe deeply. not asthmatic panic gasping, just can't seem to take a deep breath.
Nothing new, I've had it on and off for years.
my latest scan includes a CAT scan to reassure me that nothing nasty is growing in there.
I suspect that the true cause is
... my stomach is so large that it crushes my lungs :-(
but it will be nice to know!
we'll get the scan results next week.
If all else fails -- get a bigger hammer
dying for you to read it :-)
Dr Nick Lethbridge
Consulting Dexitroboper
dying for you to read it :-)
Dr Nick Lethbridge
Consulting Dexitroboper
I am sure you are right