Wednesday, August 15, 2018

doom... doom... doom :-(

A couple of weeks ago I did the free government FOBP test: send them two poo samples, they test for blood. Guess what ? Blood in my poo ! Not a definite... but it indicates that I should be tested for polyps -- or even cancer -- in my bowel. Oh dear, and I was planning on skin cancer as my third :-)

Deb says that the odds are still low, that there is cancer. I say, so which would kill me faster, brain or bowel cancer ? A silent moment... then... "Well, we know the answer to that one." Oh well, so nothing new to worry about, really :-)

Before my next MRI scan I need a blood test. Today I'm driving close to SJoG Hospital. I park nearby (the nearest free parking) and think, may as well go in and get some blood sucked. Think, it's still a long way to walk, a few hundred metres. Think, No, I'll go to a doctors' surgery which is closer to free parking, closer to home.

Really, though, I just don't want to walk into SJoG again. I've seen enough of it, I may see more of it. Today -- given the choice -- I think I'll avoid it.

Apart from that: just another good day :-)

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

"When it comes to ideas, some people will stop at nothing." … per Ginger Meggs


Dying for you to read my blog, at :-)

1 comment:

  1. Hope the test goes well. I am sure it will. Maria had a similar situation and all was good. Cheers Col
