Monday, August 27, 2018

running for fun !?!

Sunday, Deb & I run in the 12km City to Surf "fun" run... It really is fun :-) Well organised, fine weather, nice for both of us to be running the same course.

We start together. Deb wants to run somewhere behind me... just in case. We both carry a mobile phone. This is the anniversary run after my collapse.

We assemble at a city intersection. Walk forward with the crowd, towards the start. Go ! and we're off. Twenty metres later we pass event toilets, no queues (no surprise). I say, That's for me -- and duck out of the crowd to use a toilet. No, this is not a side-effect of cancer, just my fun run nerves & over-active bladder :-)

Ten minutes later I catch up with Deb. Say hello. Move ahead. After re-starting running I've noticed a change to my running: Yes, I've slowed down -- but my pace is very even.

I finish ten minutes ahead of Deb. She would have finished sooner -- she says -- except that she stopped at every ambulance to make sure that I was not collapsed inside :-)  I think we are both relieved that I have finished. No worries !

A few aches and exhaustion on the rest of Sunday. Largely recovered after a relaxing Monday.

Monday is -- as is often the case -- a bad day, emotionally. After the fun & exercise of the weekend, especially having the kids round for Sunday dinner -- Monday is a let down. And Deb is at work.

I do very little in the morning -- read and play on the computer, mostly. Take my mind off feelings of incredible boredom. All of this doing nothing is, actually, a good way to recover from a fun run !

Out for coffee with a friend in the afternoon. Then home to put out the bins for tomorrow's collection. (Is it recycling or green waste this week ? Ah, the challenges of staying at home ! )

By the time Deb gets home I'm feeling better. Partly, of course, because Deb is home :-)

Feeling down, feeling bored, that's nothing new. I've been like that for years. The only difference is, now I am reluctant to make long-term plans. So I have to cheer up with the here & now... And the coming scan is having its expected negative effect.

Another couple of weeks -- after the scan results are in -- I'll cheer up again. Or, at least, know why I am unhappy :-)

Also, I tend to wake up at about 3am and find that my mind is in high gear -- with trouble getting back to sleep. What usually works is, to turn the electric blanket to roast&bake. As soon as it heats up, I fall asleep. (Getting cold at night is nothing new for me. Not going straight back to sleep is new.)

This morning I just don't feel like relaxing. I get up, have a cup of tea, read a while... and then go back to bed. Heat the electric blanket -- and fall asleep. Being awake for an hour may just be part of the reason why I am so tired all morning :-)

Deb has had a couple of months of continuous colds. Now with a nasty cough. And tonight, a noticeable fever. I have had the same colds but -- being super-fit(*) -- have largely shaken off the worst symptoms. Tomorrow is toddler-watch, I hope Deb feels better by then. An early night may help.

(*) Super fit... and I keep warm... and have plenty of time to rest & sleep & recover. Deb just keeps on going.

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Advertisement. For anyone who comes in late and wonders what happened in the early days: there is an ebook of the first nine months. Easier to read than the blog version, though the blog version is free. Details near the top of the page.

Pure coincidence: Phil Collins is on his Not Dead Yet tour. I would have sued him for using my blog name but I found that, even earlier, he published an autobiography called Not Dead Yet. Hmmm... wait a minute... that would have been at about the same time as I started this blog, as a holiday journal. Where's my lawyer ?!

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
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"When it comes to ideas, some people will stop at nothing." … per Ginger Meggs


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