Thursday, August 23, 2018

dreams of a lazy mollusc

Here's a dream from a few nights' ago, I think it's a subconscious message:

I'm some sort of secret agent in a big city. My job is to seek out and destroy baddies. These baddies are easy to identify: they look evil, hide in dark places and spread rot & destruction to the city around them.

Come on, subconscious, surely you can find more subtle ways of showing my attitude to cancer :-)

Here's a more subtle dream, from last night:

I'm a big white horse. (Yes, I am the horse. Is that a worry ?!) I'm riding after some other … person ? Only trouble is, half the journey is in the air, up amongst the clouds. And I can't fly. So the person I'm following runs across land and flies across the sky. Whenever it's flying time -- I fall through the clouds, down to the ground. But keep on running... and I always keep up.

Blowed if I know why I'm a horse. (Though I do look like a rather nice white horse from World of Warcraft.) I don't really know who or what I'm chasing. But I'm glad that -- no matter what -- I do keep up.

Deep thought for the day: Marie Curie said, "Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood." Or perhaps, with my dreams, *mis*understood :-)

Here's something annoying about my form of cancer: I can never honestly say, "I'm getting better."

I can say, I'm *feeling* better. Yes, I'm feeling, physically, very well. And emotionally, Not too bad. But feeling better is not getting better -- my cancer is incurable. It will be there till it kills me. I refuse to say, I'm *getting* better -- that's just lying, to myself. Oh well.

Having said that, Stuff it ! I'm not getting better but I can always be feeling better. I sometimes wonder why I bother. And yet, "In the midst of life we are in death." The inevitability of death is no reason to stop enjoying life :-)

And according to Christopher Lasch (whoever he is), "Nothing succeeds like the appearance of success." ===

On an even more positive note: according to today's news, lazy people are more successful... in the evolutionary sense.

Okay, this is from the scientific study of molluscs. But it may apply to humans. Lazy molluscs -- using & needing less energy to live -- are better at avoiding species extinction. That is, descendants of the lazy molluscs have a better chance of surviving, to have more lazy descendants.

Good news for our kids !

Some friends reminded me, I have not mentioned the rogaine ! Good point... So:

Last weekend was a 24 hour rogaine. (Rogaine ?!  see ) Deb & I were there.

As a lazy mollusc, I decide that I have walked enough after just five hours. The weather is beautiful, fine & mild, ideal for walking in the bush. The flowers are blooming. The hills are... up & down, we do most of our rogaine on the less steep hills.

At the end of our five hours I am tired. My ankles are starting to ache -- from overuse, not damage. It would be easy to walk further -- and recover over the next week. I say, enough. For two reasons. Most importantly, we have a fun run the next weekend, I don't want to spend the week worrying that we are worn out from the rogaine. Also... it is very nice to stop walking & eat dinner in daylight !

Meals are an essential part of a rogaine. We usually eat after sunset, by moon & fire-light, wondering what will be in the next mouthful that we blindly pick off the plate. What a pleasure to sit, in daylight, enjoying good food and good company !

We drive home as the sun is setting. To the house, the cat... and a warm & comfortable bed.

Our score for the event is... not bad. Quite good for the effort. Another enjoyable weekend. With... okay, after a couple of days recovery... with energy to spare for looking forward to the coming fun run.

Which, by the way, is the anniversary of my collapse. So, assuming I do survive the run -- and I have no doubt that I will -- I will have lived 12 months post-diagnosis. Which will be better than 50% of patients with the same cancer.

And that's something to be glad about :-)

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

"When it comes to ideas, some people will stop at nothing." … per Ginger Meggs


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