Wednesday, December 12, 2018

minor matters

In some matters, my grandson & I are passing each other... For both of us, going to the toilet is a hot topic for discussion. Both of us have moments when we must rush to the toilet: grandson when he was too excited to go earlier, me when I'm hit by a rush of urgent need.

Grandson will get better at toilet management; a few years from now he will be as capable and self-managed as anyone. In a few years... I could be worse. We are at a common stage, passing each other -- in different directions :-)

Years ago I recognised that running is good for the digestion. A long run will -- as my mother would have said -- get me moving. Well, I moved very rapidly after the weekend's trail run ! Now, all is back to normal. It seems that all my activity was pre-run nerves and post-run... get-up-and-go movement.

Incidentally: out of 225 people on that trail run, I beat two of them ! Yeehaa ! :-)

Did I document my new cancer-related feeling ? Not anger, not misery, not one of the standard reactions. I just have a feeling of, This is ridiculous... Brain cancer ? aggressive ? terminal ? What a ridiculous situation !

Google mail has gone mad... I'm getting apologetic messages about my last post, google says that it has not been delivered but more attempts will be made. Yet that post is well and truly posted, I can see it on the blog.

If the last post ("going back a bit") appears twice -- blame it on an obsessive compulsive but confused piece of mail software.

A while ago I posted a link to this blog onto a Cancer Council discussion site  ( I thought, other people with cancer may like to read one person's views. I planned to post the link then forget about it. One blog at a time !

Then there were four replies. With four different views of the cancer experience. My approach is to post, get it off my chest, stop thinking of the latest issue, feel better, carry on... but I think I should reply to those comments on the cancer council site. Just so I can stop thinking about those four replies :-)

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

"Relax. Only dread one day at a time." … Ginger Meggs


Dying for you to read my blog, at :-)

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