Thursday, January 21, 2021

scan results: good-ish

This morning, we get inside info on my latest scan. Deep Scan (I'll call our informer) says that there is a dark spot. But... it may not be all that bad. The new spot is away from the original tumour site and on the path that would have been zapped by radiation treatment.

Which means that it could be another damage-by-radiation.

In the afternoon, Deb & I see the cancer doc.

See this, she says, pointing at the scan image. Not really, I think, it's just a lot of meaningless imagery to me.

She points at a spot. That was not there on the last scan, she says. It looks to me as though someone has drawn a small circle on the image. I nod wisely, as though I see what she sees.

How does it compare to the spot from two scans ago?

Interesting thought, says the doc. And plays with images. To cut to the chase:

In May 2020 there was a worrying dark spot. (Dark? It looked like a white circle to me. But for consistency I'll stick with "dark spot".) This was a worry. If it grows, we'll call it cancer.

In September 2020, the dark spot has faded. Good news.

In January 2021 -- the dark spot is back. It's the same place.


It's cancer that comes and goes. Unlikely but cancer is still a possibility.

Or it's radiation damage. Apparently, this can come late and apparently go.

Or it's cockroaches. Deb does not support this possibility.

So... I'll be scanned again in about six weeks. Same as in 2020: if the spot has grown, we may call it cancer. If not... we just watch this spot.

So the news is not perfect. Nor is it bad. It's just... Enjoy life, this time six weeks at a time :-)

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

I'd rather be super rich than completely stupid... Ginger Meggs


Dying for you to read my blog, at https: // notdotdeaddotyet .blogspot. com. au/ :-)

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