Thursday, April 15, 2021

anti leftism

I'm reading the paper, this story seems to make even less sense than usual. Oh, wait -- the story started in a previous column, so I'm starting half way through.

I'm missing seeing things to my left, things such as the first column of a newspaper story.

I can see it -- a thing on my left -- if I look. But with a quick glance, I don't notice it.

Dang, this typing is difficult. I keep hitting a key to one side. The worst is when I intend to type the letter A and I hit Caps Lock.

Driving is exciting. I keep up a running commentary  (to myself) to remind myself to watch the left. " parked car ahead... move right, closer to the white line... turning left, watch the inside kerb... It's easier with Deb as a passenger, when there's a car close by the left side, Deb shrieks. Today we drive south, Deb will be driving.

I send an email to the cancer doc. Say that if she thinks running round in a panic will help then I can book an earlier MRI. The doc replies... I'm booked for an earlier MRI, the day after we get home again.

Deb and I have independently concluded that my tumour is back. We'll find out next week. Meanwhile, a weekend of trail running.

Deb's ankle is still sore. She's looking forward to a 7km night trail run...

We'll be running (walking) together. I tend to run into bushes on the left. Deb has to be gentle with her ankle (as if :-( Should be fun :-)

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

... for the greater good ... against the corrupt metastasis of oligarchic power that stomps on humanity's neck everywhere" ... Sacranist creed, Thin Air


Dying for you to read my blog, at https: // notdotdeaddotyet .blogspot. com. au/ :-)

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