Wednesday, April 28, 2021

communication via secretary.

I have a fresh to-and-from email. I email the sec, sec speaks (I guess!) to the doc), doc replies, sec sends email back to me. Am I allowed to say, Chinese whispers?

This is my current understanding:

Tomorrow I will talk with the brain surgeon. He will ask me how I'm going. After that, the brain surgeon will talk with the cancer doc. The cancer doc will then phone me, to tell me what "the surgeon suggests". I hope that that really means, that the doc and the surgeon will discuss options and that the doc will select one, to suggest to me.

Here's a most likely outcome:

The surgeon will look at me and say, I am willing to open up your head to see what is happening in there. The doc will then tell me, The surgeon is willing to operate. She'll make a pretence of offering me the surgery option. I'll say, Do it !

Deb is worried. She sees risk in my brain being poked. I'm less worried. It would be a relief to have someone with definite knowledge of what is happening in there. A relief to know what's there. Less of a relief if they find a new tumour :-)

So today I ran round the lake. Slow and easy. And I did not crash into anything at all :-)

Here's an estimate:

I lost 50% of my left-side vision, in each eye. Today -- after days of dex -- I have recovered half of that lost vision.

Deb says that that's a baseless estimate therefore useless. I say, It's more useful than the doc's, Ooohh, that's bad.

As per the old blessing -- or curse: Yep, I am indeed living in interesting times :-)

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

"Failure is not an option. It's a lifestyle." ... per Ginger Meggs


Dying for you to read my blog, at :-)

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