Monday, April 12, 2021

prepare to be sympathetic!

Al last -- I have some real symptoms :-) Other than falling over in a fun run, that is.

To save the suspense: I do not see -- or do not notice -- things on my left. Oh, and I have regular -- mild -- headaches. Nothing to worry about except that headaches are not -- usually -- something I have. Oh, yes, and I do have cancer in the head... So perhaps I should worry? Maybe later.

I've just emailed the cancer doc, asked her if running round in a mad panic is likely to help. Otherwise, I'll see her in a few weeks.

Not seeing things to the left, that's easy to spot... well, no. It took Deb to spot it. I simply ignore what is happening. Of course :-) So, what is happening?

Deb has started to scream while I'm driving. screaming things like, Look out for that parked car!! Ohhh that parked car. Once it's pointed out -- I see it.

The very first indication is a lot smaller than a parked car. When I'm reading I don't see the first letter of words. I look again and there it is... it really slows down my reading.

It also seems -- according to Deb -- that I am driving very close to the left side of the road. And yes, I am bumping into kerbs... quite often. Kerbs on the left.

One day I'm running round the lake. Dratted trees, hanging over the path, I run straight through the hanging branches... on my left.

On the same run, I wander off the track, to the left, of course. May as well wander off to the left, there's nothing there -- as far as I can see.

Crashing into things while running, not a problem. Just adds some excitement to the run. (Next week's night run should be fun :-)

Crashing into things while driving, that could be a bit more serious.

Even a week ago -- before we noticed my left-challenged vision -- I let Deb drive. This was taking our grandson to swimming. I was feeling old and senile -- not fit to drive a grandson. Now, the problem is more specific. And definite.

I suspect that my driving days are over. Certainly -- immediately -- Deb will do the driving. ( Or I may join the modern world -- shudder -- and use Uber.)

Here's another annoying thing: When I type the letter A there is a high chance that my finger will drift to the unseen space to the left -- and hit the caps lock key. I'm constantly having to turn off the caps lock key :-(

Running, driving and typing are difficult for the left-challenged. But it gets worse.

I am eating dinner. I notice that half of my meal is on the .table. Yes, on the table to the left of my plate. Didn't see that happening, did I?!

I clear my plate. Delicious, I say. Then I notice and pick up the food from the table, put it back on my plate. (Hey! not going to waste it!) So I clear my plate and push the plate away... and see that there is still food on the plate. Yes... on the left of my plate.

I clear my plate again... not. I Try again -- checking the entire plate. To see if I have really eaten everything.

Later, Deb tells me that I ate all the food on the right half of my plate. Well, that is the food that I can see...

Going back a bit: My last few MRI scans showed a shadow on my brain. It didn't seem to grow so it is labelled as radiation necrosis. The shadow may (according to my dodgy memory) be on a bit of brain that relates to vision.  I think it's on the right hemisphere. So: my instant analysis is, my necrotic -- yes, dead -- patch of brain is affecting my left-side vision.

Bad necrosis is -- to me -- good news. The alternative is, a fast-growing tumour.

And here's more good news:

Deb identifies my left-challenged vision. It all fits together, yes. (Deb is brilliant :-) It may be necrosis. It may be cancer. Either way -- I am vastly cheered. Yes, really. You see, I had thought that I was going senile. I've already accustomed myself to cancer... as the devil I know. I did not really want the new devil of going gaga.

So, sympathy please. For Deb, that is. She is about to do a lot more driving. And a lot more wiping the table. To the left of where I sit.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

... for the greater good ... against the corrupt metastasis of oligarchic power that stomps on humanity's neck everywhere" ... Sacranist creed, Thin Air


Dying for you to read my blog, at https: // notdotdeaddotyet .blogspot. com. au/ :-)

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