Wednesday, April 21, 2021


Tuesday I have my head scanned. Is there a brain? Is there anything else?

Of course I don't yet know the results.The MRI image is looked at by experts. The cancer doc looks at the expert interpretation. On Thursday we see the cancer doc, she tells us the results of the analysis. If necessary, she will also suggest actions. I will nod and say, whatever. I'm no expert. I just do as I'm told.

I am 99% certain that there will be a tumour. Why? Just preparing for ... well, it's not "the worst". Just the beginning of the worst. My mood is back where it should be: happy to wait and see.

After the MRI a nurse reads my shirt and says that she will tell her husband. The shirt says, Enjoy life... three months at a time :-) Her husband is on six months, the same principle applies. Though I my need to update my shirt, to six weeks at a time. I'm getting to recognise the people at the MRI clinic.

As I leave, a tech says, See you next time. I reply, I certainly hope so. I'm afraid that that is exactly what was said after my last scan... I need a new writer.


I don't notice things to my left. If I constantly remind myself to look to my left, I see everything. Unless I concentrate, I see -- but do not notice.

I can type quite fast but it's not touch typing, I am watching the keys as I type. Watching -- and now, getting it wrong. I hit the wrong keys, I hit a key to the right of the one that I want.

I also -- and this has been coming on for years -- I look at something and I cannot understand the detail. I look at a map and it takes me ages to find a particular town or highway. (Or I give up looking)

I spend a lot of time looking at the PC screen... Looking, for example, for the email "Send" button.

Google makes it worse: I'm looking for a specific folder in a list of my email folders. I look down the list, looking at each and every one, reading them aloud till I find the one I want. How does google make it worse? I still understand alphabetical order. Google does not... It insists on listing things with the last opened  or most used at the top. So if I have not opened a folder today -- it is at some random position down the list.

MS Office likes to do the same. But at least I once, years ago, found an option to list in alphabetical order.

I lose track of things. Well, I'm not sure if this is related, but I had a new pair of reading glasses, I lost them within a week.

But it's windows which are my regular bugbear. I can't just look at a couple of windows (on the PC Windows this is :-), I can't just look and see which one I want. I often find it simpler to close every single window, then reopen the doc (or whatever) that I want.

Dang, this typing is difficult! So many mis-keys.

So it's entertaining to look at my confusion from the inside :-) But I think I was wise to turn down an invitation to a poker night...

And onThursday, we find out if it's all in my mind... or if it really is in my brain... rofl

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

... f"Question authority. Don't expect to like the answer." ... per Ginger Meggs


Dying for you to read my blog, at https: // not.dead.yet .blogspot. com. au/ :-)

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