Wednesday, November 9, 2022

easily worried

I've done it again. Taken a minor symptom and worried that is a sign of something serious.
I have a minor headache. Less than an ache, more a twinge. Is it, I wonder, a symptom of a fresh tumour? Or, closer to possible, is it a symptom of more blood on the brain? I have no idea. Neither of those came with a headache. But I worry.
The twinge continues. All night and into next morning.
I worry enough that I let Deb know. After all, a worry shared is a worry ... doubled.

All day I twinge. It gets no worse. I think, how long till my next scan. Can I wait that long? Eventually I do nothing.
Almost nothing.
I go for a run. I eat, drink, sleep. Ignore the twinge.

It's now even less than a twinge. Perhaps an area of tension. Definitely not an ache.
I'm now happy to ignore the whole thing. Because, well, what can I do anyway?
I could panic. Scare Deb even more. Give myself a *real* headache :-)
So I continue to eat and drink and, soon, sleep. And feel pretty much as well as ever.
I have better things to do than worry.
I'm still a bit worried. But not enough -- I hope -- to keep me awake. Ans that's something to be glad about :-)

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

"Yesterday I knew nothing. Today I know that." ... per Ginger Meggs

Dying for you to read my blog, at :-)

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