Monday, November 7, 2022

PET scan

I wake up from a dream:
carrying a tray full of food up stairs past a lot of schoolchildren.
I get to the top, reach for some food -- and the other kids have taken most of it, all that's left is a crumb of cake.

The kids, well... I've been reading Harry Potter with lots of kids at a school. The food and loss of... I'm on a pre-PET-scan fast. I'm hungry.

Amazing how hard it is to go through the usual morning processes without eating anything. The house seems to be full of scraps and snacks. I move food out of sight.
Getting ready to go, I start to tidy up after yesterday's visit by grandchildren... they dropped scraps of biscuits on the floor... I pick up crumbs... food... resist eating them... sigh :-)

I take uber to the hospital, no worries. Spend an hour with radioactive sugar dripping into a vein. The sugar high is not enough to keep me awake, I snooze. Then into the scan room.
I'm wearing shorts. In winter I wear track pants, no zips. I have to shuffle my shorts down to my knees to get the zips clear of the scan. If I'd planned ahead I would have worn undies that were less bright red :-)

It's all very easy. One hour dripping, 30 minutes scanning, ten minutes for the post-scan sandwich, the "free" bonus from the PET scan.

I start walking towards home. It's too far really but it's a beautiful day for walking. The walk is a wind-down to relax. I get 2km then call an uber.

The PET is the scan that covers the body. Looking for traces that the testicular cancer may have spread. That cancer is said to be curable, it's not been seen for a while, the doc claims that this could be my last PET scan.

Later... Deep-ENT reports that the scan report says: Nothing to worry about :-)
So, indeed, that cancer seems to have gone.

Another couple of weeks till the head MRI, a week after that till I get the results for that. Till then -- it's all good :-)

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

"Yesterday I knew nothing. Today I know that." ... per Ginger Meggs

Dying for you to read my blog, at :-)

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