Wednesday, November 16, 2022

scan then wait

this week is MRI week. tomorrow my head will be scanned.
it will be another week till we know the results.
we already know, from previous scans, that there is something unwanted on my brain. cancer or dead brain? we can't tell without opening my skull, not something to rush into :-)

so this scan will show something potentially nasty. we still won't know what it is. but...
If it is unchanged then we continue the three monthly watch and wait.
if the something has grown, well... then we consider treatment.
even with treatment... The best result will be more watch and wait.

of course i still worry that i may have more bleeding on the brain, from that nasty knock a few weeks back.
But that, i believe, would show clearly on a scan. and is treatable . though the treatment does involve opening my skull. which at least would allow the surgeon to have a look inside, to check for tumours... which would be very convenient :-)

anyway... I'm a bit tense. with a scan then a week of waiting.
but... There has been progress on my app! Signs that it may eventually work! and that's something to be glad about :-)


Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper


Dying for you to read my blog, at :-)

The word "boobs" is so scary until you get to the second "b". (Alfred E. Neumann

1 comment:

  1. I would also be a bit tense. But I am sure it will be fine.
