Friday, March 16, 2018

even more tired !

I seem to have been sleeping for most of this last week ! Here's how I understand it:

The anti-cancer chemo tablets attack cancer cells. They also attack non-cancer cells... The pills are "cytotoxic" -- that is, toxic to living cells. It's essential that the chemo attacks cancer, attacking other "good" living cells is a side-effect.

My body now needs to replace and rebuild the "good" cells. This takes energy. Energy goes to cell rebuilding so I'm left with not enough energy to stay awake. Which means that -- when I am *not* swallowing chemo -- I will have more & more energy for staying awake... once good-cell regrowth has been finished.

I've just finished my week of chemo... cells have been destroyed, good cells are regrowing... so I have no energy to spare for staying awake. Cell regrowth will continue for at least a few days... then I will start to stay awake for longer! Until it all starts again with the next week of chemo, in three weeks' time.

Of course it's also possible that I'm sleeping a lot because I'm old :-)

Helping Deb with toddler-watch today, I'm worried that I'm rather boring. It can't be very entertaining when I sit round a lot and fall asleep after lunch!

Then we go to the nearby playground.

Grandson insists that I accompany him & Deb. He insists that I take off shoes & socks to join them in the sandpit. Then he seems perfectly happy when I just sit near them, and watch. Makes me feel a lot better :-)

Swimming lesson today (for grandson). The carpark is full. Deb misses a reversing car, doubles back -- and is beaten into the single space :-( Deb makes an exclamation expressing disappointment... Toddler repeats what he thinks he heard, "Oh bump!" Oh, yes, that's definitely what Deb said... there are definitely speed "bumps" in the carpark :-)

In a previous post I mentioned that I started to watch Altered Carbon on Netflix. A tv show is soooo slow. Since then I have reread the complete book -- at my own pace. So much more satisfying.

Oh, and as far as I can tell: The first scene of the tv series -- two people in a shower -- was invented for tv, not by the AC author.


Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

"Avoid criticism: say, do and be nothing." … per Ginger Meggs


1 comment:

  1. Our grandson is also fun to look after but very demanding. Don't know how you do it when in a chemo weakened state. Cheers Col
