Tuesday, March 13, 2018

soooo tired !

Monday, I'm tired... Very, very tired. I spend all morning sitting in a comfortable chair, reading, sleeping. I spend all afternoon in a different comfortable chair, reading, sleeping.

Was it a tough weekend? I think so... It seemed okay at the time but it wore me out. I spend all Monday recovering.

Not helped by the start of another drug week. I was up between 3 and 4am to take drugs. Plus a bit more awake time -- to make sure that my stomach seems settled. No worries, I'm fine :-) Just tired.

Deb (when home after work) asks, will I be okay for grandson minding on Tuesday? I hope so, I enjoy it. It does make me think:

I enjoy helping Deb mind our grandson. He's such a [fill in a positive attribute] child, such a pleasure to look after. Yet -- now I think about it -- half the pleasure is being with Deb.

In between reading and sleeping I decide to watch some tv. Or, rather, Netflix. I'm a fan of science fiction so I start with Altered Carbon... I did enjoy reading the book.

Half way through the credits and I'm thinking of turning it off. But resist. Three minutes into the show itself -- in what is apparently a significant shower scene -- I give up. Booooring!

If a book is that slow -- I read faster. There is no speed control (as far as I know!?) on Netflix, I have to watch at the one, fixed, slow-but-highly-significant speed. Yawn!

I once did an online course which allowed up to eight times faster viewing. The picture moved fast, the sound was fast but still clear. That's what I need! Well... that's a part of what I need...

I come back to Netflix, watch The Incredibles. No "significant" -- ie slow -- introduction here. Straight into the action, straight into entertainment. I watch it till Deb comes home.

I never really enjoy the slow start to tv and movies. At home, with tv, I'll be settling down (or possibly reading) until the introductory titles are done.

Also... I prefer my entertainment to be light. That has always been my preference. It is more so now. I don't mind a bit of tension, even suffering -- as long as there is a happy ending.

With a book, I can read as fast as I like, to get past the dark parts. Can't do that with tv. Oh, and I do like a definite conclusion: after the beginning and the middle I expect an end... which is very unlikely with a tv series. (And less and less likely with a fantasy novel.)

I'm just hard to please :-)  Which is part of the reason why a lot of my current reading is *re* reading. I'm re-reading books which I have read before. Which I know that I enjoyed. And which I know have an actual end to the story.

Now I've swallowed my pills. Waited a while to be sure my stomach has settled. It's time to get back to bed...

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

"Avoid criticism: say, do and be nothing." … per Ginger Meggs


1 comment:

  1. I agree. Fast start and conclusive ending for me. Cheers Col
