Saturday, July 22, 2017

Broome & Beyond: getting near Broome again

Saturday 22nd July, early morning

I saved on last night's accommodation so am splashing out on a hot breakfast...

Yesterday... I watch the sun go down behind the boab. Then drive in to Willare roadhouse. Will I stay the night at Willare?

No way !

There are a dozen people having dinner, drinks, enjoying themselves. A dozen plus various kids running round. A tour bus pulls up to add to the crowd. It's 7pm. I settle for fuel and coffee to go. Not much fuel.

52.5 litres at 189.0 (wow!) for $99
... which took me 507km

The tank is still more than half full. I fill up because it's night and I may get as far as the desert.

There's less traffic at night that there had been during the day. Not that that was much. The regular stream of cars is now an irregular trickle. By 9pm there is perhaps a car every ten minutes.

Not much traffic. Peaceful -- except for the truck and the roar of passing air! A sky full of stars. Everywhere I look there is a maze of white spots and speckles... Must remember to clean all those squashed bugs off the windscreen... (rofl)

At 9pm I pull over into a truck bay. And sleep in the truck.

There is, indeed a sky full of stars. No moon to hide them, no clouds. The Milky Way is an obvious band across the sky. A bird flaps around for a while, sounds like a big bird, I only catch a glimpse in the dark. Otherwise, it's mostly silence.

There may be half a dozen cars/trucks during the night, or less. I hear one or two and sleep through anything else.

To wake up at dawn -- to fog.

The road is perhaps 30m away through a belt of trees. The occasional car or truck roars through the fog. Lights are visible, vehicle is there but wreathed in fog. (Funny how fog "wreathes" rather than hides.)

I get out the $20 gas cooker. Boil water. Make pot noodles for breakfast... with the secret ingredient: a spoonful of peanut paste. Delicious !  While it was cooling enough to eat, I packed up. That took all of two minutes :-)

I'll be bypassing Broome. Next stop, Sandfire.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting / Problems? Solved.

"If it's green, it's biology; if it stinks, it's chemistry; if it has numbers, it's maths; if it doesn't work, it's technology" – Author unknown.

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