Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Broome & Beyond: Kununurra

Tuesday 18th July

Stepping back in time from the previous post: I drove into the entrance to the Bungles. Yes, there's a geocache. And that's not all that's new since the last visit...

Deb & I drove into the Bungle Bungles. Fifteen years ago. We were on our way to Cindy & Jono's wedding and didn't have time to explore. We drove to a vantage point -- still outside the Bungles -- and looked. Then drove out again. Since then...

Last visit, there was a cleared space for parking caravans. Then a rough road in. Today there's a gravel parking area. Stone walls with "interpretive signs" -- explanation of what it's all about. Posts to mark the start of the road in. Various warning signs, public toilets, a geocache. And, apparently, caravan park just 1km in, helicopter flights over, and the same very rough road to the Bungles themselves.

Same Bungles, more infrastructure.

Driving by myself, I don't do many side trips... Back on the road, off to Doon Doon... to pick up from the previous post:

The road continues to twist and turn, through scenic hills and gullies. I'm enjoying the drive, taking it easy.

I pass several kilometres(!) of plantation, it looks like three or four types of trees, alternating.

The native cotton trees are flowering, deep butter yellow.

I reach the T junction at Victoria Highway: left to Wyndham, right to Kununurra. There's a rest stop and a geocache. I don't find the cache. (The hint is that it's somewhere in the metal roof of a shelter. Well above my head. I don't want to grope blindly around the metal struts.)

The public toilets at the 24 hour stop and the parking area next to the stop are both disgusting. Examples of the littering habits of ... whoever stops there.

On the road to Kna there's a sign to a tourist highlight, Molly Spring. I drive down the 3km of quite rough road. It's beautiful ! A deep rock pool, the size of a large home swimming pool. Fed by a waterfall. Filled with a couple of families enjoying themselves.

I had considered getting wet... but it's too cold and too crowded for me. I paddle my feet and it's very refreshing :-)

On to Kna, check in at the Hotel Kununurra. I had booked a small, single-bed room, their cheapest. I've been upgraded... And it's very nice, too :-)

If you were here, Deb, you could kick me out of the queen bed into the single... or into the trundle bed which is stashed underneath. Plenty of room for two... And enough tea, coffee, milk, towels -- for four! Looks like it'll be party time every night :-)

I prepare to shower: identify the tube of shampoo, unwrap a bar of soap. There's a tube of body wash -- how fancy :-) -- but it looks too much like the shampoo, for a man who does not wear his reading glasses into the shower.

I shower -- and feel refreshed :-) Wash the clothes which I have worn for the last few days: running shorts & running shirt. (Cool, comfortable, easy to wash.)

And start to spread my stuff around the room.

Soon I'll head out to dinner. Tomorrow I visit the farm. (Family, for those who came in late.)

The hotspot isn't able to connect, so I'll not post this yet. I may remember all sorts of things that I have forgotten to mention ... :-)


A night of smells !

The hotel reception / dining area smells of age and cooked food. I was just there to confirm that breakfast is not covered in my accommodation charge. But it is available. As is a better -- cooked -- breakfast across the road in the Wild Mango.

I go out, wander across the road in what I believe is the general direction of "town". Sure enough, first open shop I see is a Chinese restaurant. Inside smells of deep frying and other not-very-exotic cooking odours, I decide on takeaways. A quick choice, sweet & sour pork. Can't go far wrong with s&s pork.

I wait outside. It's a beautiful evening, pleasantly balmy. There's a smell of stale food near the shop, I move further away. The breeze brings hints of sewage but, luckily, the breeze shifts. There are a few people around. More cars than pedestrains.

My food is ready, I take it back to the hotel. It's delicious! Deep fried crispy battered pork (or pork substitute, who can tell) with the vegetables and sauce in a separate container, so the batter does not get soggy. Enough steamed rice to satisfy a good appetite.

Followed by coffee, relaxing, reading and this final blogging. Which will probably be sent -- when the hotspot works again -- in the morning. I'll close it off now, ready to go when the connection comes live...

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting / Problems? Solved.

"If it's green, it's biology; if it stinks, it's chemistry; if it has numbers, it's maths; if it doesn't work, it's technology" – Author unknown.

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