Saturday, May 5, 2018

change for the ... ?!

Thursday, we visit the oncologist. It's the regular how's-it-going meeting. Though she never actually asks, How's it going. I guess it's up to me to raise concerns, or to stop acting so obviously cheerful.

The only point of interest is the direction of future treatment.

I'll have another MRI scan within the month. If it's clear -- ie no visible brain cancer -- then I could stop the regular drug week schedule; my choice. If tumours have re-appeared then I may as well stop the regular drug week schedule... Hmmm... I suspect that next week's drug taking will be the last for a while. Which will be a relief!

The last drug week went quite well, with no debilitating side-effects. Except extra sleeping. But it will be a relief to stop swallowing pills.

One small worry... or reminder to worry: DrT wants this next MRI for before she goes away for a conference. Even though it'll be just two months since the last MRI. Does this mean that new tumours could appear within two months? Or perhaps that the scans are largely pointless since tumours will reappear anyway, sooner or later?

Thinking about that, I re-read a bit of Wikipedia, about Temozolomide and GBM. It reminds me that I am definitely going to die... How depressing!

Enough reading about death and disease. It just reminds me that I'm probably in denial... or in denial about being in denial :-)

Time to get back to enjoying myself !

It's possible that I repeat myself. In life and in this blog. (And yes, I know that by writing that, I am repeating myself.) With the family I sometimes have to force myself to not repeat ancient anecdotes which I know they have heard before. The possible repetition within this blog is my only excuse for the following:

I wake from a dream with a clear memory of the final sentence. The rest of the dream is forgotten. It ends, with one of our kids telling me, That's so old that it was old when you *first* said it...

Even in my dreams, the kids are both cheeky and perceptive !

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

"Christianity did a lot for love by making it a sin." ... Anatole France


1 comment:

  1. Mate repeat yourself as much as you want. You have the right. My two bobs worth "keep on with the drug treatment " you will defy the odds. Cheers Col
