Monday, May 14, 2018

more worrying... sigh

I missed one reason for my current worry: headaches.

I've had very, very mild headaches on and off for the last few weeks. So? Historically, I have very few headaches. So this is unusual.

There are several possible reasons for a headache:

I could have a fast-growing tumour which is pushing on my brain and about to explode out of my skull. With MRIs planned for every three months, I worry that a tumour could become dangerous within, well, three months. Silly? Yes... but I still worry.

Mind you, the first and only symptom of my initial tumour was an epileptic-style fit. No headache was involved.

More realistically, I do get headaches after running. Due to an imbalance of salt and water, I guess. I'm doing more running. Another 6km today!) So I manage the tendency to headaches -- then and now -- with extra drinking and salted chips.

I also get a headache when I'm cold. Usually when I sit -- reading or playing on the PC -- for hours and don't notice that I am gradually freezing. It's now almost winter, I have cold days, headaches do follow -- till I rug up warmly.

There are plenty of reasons why I could have headaches. For some reason, I now worry that my head is about to explode with a tumour.

Pretty ridiculous worry, really :-) I hope it's also an unrealistic worry... but if it's not... too bad, there's nothing I can do about that possible cause.

So I drink, eat chips, keep warm. And ignore the mild worry about other possible causes of headaches.

The worry has lead to a more realistic acceptance of my limited life expectancy. Which has lead to an increased sense of urgency for some actions. (By "urgency" I mean a mild sense that really, I should get started. Just as my "worry" is more of a mild concern that the situation could become serious.)

One task on my to-do list is to convert this blog to a hardcopy. Yes, I write for my own benefit, to get the thoughts out of my mind. I never want to re-read it. A hardcopy seems pointless. But Deb has mentioned that she too would like to read the blog. Not yet, not while I'm alive. And Deb would prefer to read a printed copy.

So I'm copying posts from this blog to a Word doc. Copying post by post, it's the best option I can find. Then I will need to do some minor layout and spell checking, as little as possible. But with 250-and-counting posts -- it is a slow and tedious task!

No time to delay! No time for procrastination! Get it done!

Get it done tomorrow... or the next day... or whenever I can. After all, my current plan still gives me three years plus one month -- and a bit. So, no need to panic. Not yet :-)

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

"I know so little that it astonishes me how many people know even less." … per Ginger Meggs


1 comment:

  1. Just getting older can make you more susceptible to headaches (bugger). Gotta make time for sex ,I reckon it's good for you. At least that's what I claim. The blogging bit can wait. Cheers Col
