Thursday, May 10, 2018

middle of the drug week

This drug week seems to be particularly tiring. I think it may be because I am -- overall -- recovering a bit of my fitness. In my non-drug weeks I am feeling -- slightly -- better. So the tiredness due to chemo drugs is more noticeable.

That is, this week is much the same as any other drug week but it *seems* to be more tiring. Because I am slightly less tired in the in-between weeks.

On the other hand... I do seem to have the constipation / diarrhea balance just about right. Which is good :-) Though my stomach is constantly uncomfortable. Not threatening, just uncomfortable.

It's been a busy week. Getting up at 3am is only part of it. That's half the reason for my tiredness. But only half. Dealing with the drugs definitely tires my body. Still, it's been a good week.

Sunday is orienteering. I have a remarkably smooth run, only lost once. I "run" so slowly that I have plenty of time to navigate accurately.

Monday I meet with a financial advisor. Nice bloke, willing to help. I don't believe that his advice on inheritance is entirely accurate. Still, he provides a lot of worthwhile ideas.

Then I go to Kings Park for coffee -- which is cancelled. Oh well. I spend some time in the park, enjoying the sunshine.

Tuesday we mind the grandson. As usual, I take it easy while Deb does most of the minding. We start at a play centre; I'm able to sit and watch. With lots of toys and toddlers, Grandson entertains himself.

Afternoon, back home, I provide entertainment with computer games, I pour sand into a tip truck, all three of us make shapes with playdough.

Early to bed, after an exhausting day.

aside: I'm typing this post while awake to swallow pills. The four chemo tables go down quite quickly but I still shudder with each swallow. It just seems wrong to swallow something without chewing it. Ugh :-(

Wednesday. I want to get a tyre expert to work out why all four car tyres need pumping so often. Instead, I just relax round the house all morning. After an early lunch I take coffee and a book to a comfortable chair... and almost sleep through the time I have to go out for coffee.

So far this morning I have drunk three cups of tea and one of coffee. Chatting with the friend I drink iced coffee. Then a second. I am really, really thirsty.

This is the coffee meeting which was cancelled on Monday. With a friend who has more diseases than me. His dog has more problems than the two of us together. After coffee I go past the friend's place to say hello to the dog.

Driving home I think, it's tiring meeting people, but enjoyable. And at least the friend does not insist that we play in the sandpit.

On the way home I fill the car with petrol & check the tyres. This time only one tyre is low. I drive past a tyre repair shop... but can't be bothered calling in.

Nearer home, I stop to do some shopping. A few groceries. Milk is the only essential. (We drank coffee right next to Woolworths but I like to support the smaller Farmer Jacks.)

And home again. Deb is already home. Deb cooks dinner. I relax some more.

So I am, as usual, tired: it's a drug week. No more tired than usual, I guess. Just that I notice it more this week because I felt quite good the week before. Either that, or... I'm as tired as ever but I can't remember how tired I really was, in previous drug weeks!

Now I've taken my chemo. Waited a while -- to make sure that my stomach does not have any strong objections; seems okay... Time to get back to bed, to get a few more hours' sleep.

Four drug days done. All good :-)

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

"Christianity did a lot for love by making it a sin." ... Anatole France


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