Sunday, May 20, 2018

the MRI lotto

This week I'm due for another MRI scan. If there is new cancer, I guess I'm up for more surgery, radiation or chemo. Though I believe that the chemo has reached the end of its recommended treatment schedule. If there is *no* new cancer, I can choose whether or not to continue with chemo... with the understanding that it has reached the limit of its proven effective treatment. Hmmm... interesting choices :-)

I did go through a stage of worry. What! me, die?! Then I went into true denial. Me? die? never! Now I'm just back to my normal going with the flow. Wait and see, only panic if the MRI says, Panic.

It's like a lotto ticket... Each time I buy a lotto ticket, I *know* that it's a winner. (Though my record is zero wins in at least ten years.) Each ticket is a winner -- until I actually check the results. So... I never rush to check the results.

Today, I am clear of cancer. As far as I *know*. And that's good enough for me. After the scan, I may have more cancer. But till then, I am clear :-)

Although -- just in case -- I am converting this blog-so-far into a printable format. So that Deb (at her request) can read it when I am dead. I'm also going to publish it as an ebook because... well... mostly because I can :-)

I'm still waiting to write "the sex post". All about the effect of cancer (and age) on my sex life. It is really hard to write! Because it will really be "the no-sex post". Just as relevant but -- for a macho male like me :-) -- embarrassing.

Converting the blog to hardcopy is just one way of delaying the embarrassing post! Eventually, though, I need to blog the topic, just to get it off my chest. Dang, it's tough being both comprehensive and honest... But I know that I will feel better when it's done.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

"I know so little that it astonishes me how many people know even less." … per Ginger Meggs


1 comment:

  1. Mate you are naturally mentally as tough as anyone I know. If you find something tough then it's real tough.consider not doing it. Cheers Col
