Tuesday, May 1, 2018

post-rogaine recovery

Saturday was the rogaine. Sunday we were still tired enough to decide, no we won't go orienteering. Monday I pottered round, doing a few things that needed doing. Not feeling too bad. Tuesday... I'm still tired!

Most of today's tiredness -- I think -- is due to getting up early. Early enough to be ready for toddler-watch, that is. Then a full day of toddler-watch. Physically I am -- I believe -- recovered from the rogaine, so that's good :-) Recovered except for a wish to fall asleep during the day, that is... But that's hardly unusual.

And now: it's about time to update my "Current Status"... last Status was in October last year.

Current Status as at 1st May 2018

This is my current situation. If anything significant changes, I will post a new status in a similar format. Then I will replace the Current Status page, to provide a quick look at how I am, "today". The immediately previous status was posted on 13 Oct 2017.


Situation: stable


... I still have brain cancer, GBM. This will kill me, sooner than if I did not have a cancer. The single tumour was removed and the general area treated with radiation & chemotherapy. I am now on a monthly cycle of chemotherapy -- swallowing Temozolomide tablets -- one week in four.


... I also have testicular cancer. This is harmless -- relatively speaking :-) The cancerous testicle was removed and the spreading cancer (in my lymph nodes) was treated with radiation.


... MRI & PET scans from March 2018 show no signs of new cancer. The testicular cancer is not expected to recur. The brain cancer *is* expected to recur. And, ultimately, to kill me.


I will *not* die immediately. I may live for months or for years. Just... I have a shorter life expectancy than if I did not have brain cancer. For convenience I plan for a Life Expectancy of "3+1+n".


That is:


... from Today I expect to live for another Three Years, One Calendar Month and an Unknown Number of Days. This expectation is -- statistically speaking -- optimistic.


Physical Status


I am feeling very well, though I tire quickly. Quickly compared to pre-cancer a year ago, that is. I am back to jogging... occasionally. Two weeks ago I completed an 8km fun run. Last weekend I walked (with Deb) 19km on a bush rogaine. Finished tired but otherwise undamaged. Physically, I believe that I am fully recovered from both surgeries, with no direct effects from the cancer. But months of very little physical activity has left me horribly unfit.


Mental Status


I believe that I am as mentally alert as ever... with some exceptions. If I can't finish a crossword -- I am happy to give up. I occasionally have trouble remembering a word -- but I suspect that is really age and very limited conversations. That is, I don't talk to many people so little-used words drift to the deep dark places of my mind.


I am still enjoying the intellectual aspects of "the adventure": a chance to go where every person will eventually go -- but with plenty of time to examine the scenery. Though there is currently not much happening -- probably just as well ! -- so the adventure is a little boring.


I sleep soundly (with the usual "old man" trips to the toilet). I often sleep during the day -- but not so much if there is something to do. Boredom -- and a reluctance to start anything new ! -- make me sleepy.


Emotional Status


Positive -- with occasional flashes of disbelief and worry. More worry for Deb than for me... though that translates into me worrying about what I should do for Deb. In particular: I know that *I* can live comfortably till I die. But after that, what about Deb ?


I try to enjoy life while I can -- and to ensure that Deb has good memories; it seems to be working.


I am still glad that it is me dying of cancer. And not Deb or the kids.


The March scans show that I am clear of visible cancer. Next scans will be in June. Meanwhile, I continue chemo. And seem to have the drug side-effects under control.


 I still believe that Deb worries about my impending death more than I do. I can see inside my mind, I know how I am feeling. Deb can only watch & worry. And look after me :-) At present, really, I am living the dream: Deb looks after me (as she always has), friends and family are concerned, thoughtful, getting on with their own lives, other friends and acquaintances express care and concern or avoid the conversation (all good reactions).


That's my status right now. If it changes, I will post an updated status to the blog and update the Current Status page.


Unless, of course, my Current Status has changed to Dead :-)


Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

"Christianity did a lot for love by making it a sin." ... Anatole France


1 comment:

  1. I reckon add years to your life expectancy,you are tough. Cheers Col
