Thursday, September 27, 2018

Day one and done

Today is day one of our walking "holiday".

We're picked up by the walk organisers. In a minibus. Along with half a dozen other walkers. Not to worry, within minutes of starting, all other people are out of sight. But first...

First, still at our accommodation, we are given our food supplies. It seems a lot but it's enough for a week. Hopefully. There's a contact in case we need more food.

We're also given an updated itinerary. And a gps which can call for help if needed. I'm carrying the gps but Deb's sister -- for some reason -- also wants to know how to use it.

Part of my walk preparation was to load my gps with geocaches, caches in the Cape to Cape area. One cache is within 60m of where we start walking, near Cape Naturaliste lighthouse. Noone can be bothered walking 60m to look for a cache.

A few km later we are 150m from another cache. I walk the 150m. Can't find the cache. Walk back to the others.

Now I can see that the line of caches following the track -- actually follows the road. Well away from the walk track. I don't look for any more caches.

The first few km is full of wildflowers. It's a sealed track. Weather is fine and cool. A beautiful day for walking.

A few km later there are less wildflowers. It's an unsealed track though still easy walking. We're walking in a cold wind, no shelter provided by the low scrub, often close to the top of cliffs. I don't like walking close to the top of cliffs.

I'm wearing shoes which were good for 15km on a rogaine. Good for two trail runs, each well over 10km. Today... they are hurting my toes.

We see "a whale". A plume of spray, half way out to the horizon. Exciting but not earth shattering. The scenery is low scrub or water. Very same-y. Boring.

Can you see a pattern ? I'm not really enjoying myself.

There's a bit of beach walking. There's a woman relaxing on the beach. A bit later we see her again, walking barefoot along the track. Later we notice that she has reached a rough bit of track... and is walking very gingerly.

Hours later...

I take off my shoes and walk the rest of the day in thongs. Much better !

We reach Yallingup. Track signposts run out, it takes a while to work out where to go. Down a sealed road, up a gravel track, along a narrow sand track back down to the beach. Some wooden steps go almost to beach level... Almost... The beach has washed away and the final step is a metre above the sand.

Lots of soft sand, some dodging round -- or above -- rocks. Across a shallow -- ankle deep -- creek. Finally... home again :-)

I suggest to Deb that tomorrow, I would rather drive round looking for geocaches. Deb says that she will be walking. So we will be walking :-)

Tired ? Yes. I'm even less fit than I thought. Oh well.

It'll be good in hindsight :-)

====    Dr Nick Lethbridge  /  Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting / Problems? Solved.

"You can fool all of the people some of the time. Some of the people all the time. And make a fool of yourself... anytime." … Ginger Meggs

dying for you to read my blog: :-)

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