Wednesday, September 5, 2018

inanimate objects, indeed !

Yesterday I noted that I tend to get cross at recalcitrant inanimate objects. Today I am still tense, with the brain scanned but results not yet known. Not so much worried, as in suspense.

In my usual fashion I have spent the day in inactivity... reading, doing a crossword (poorly), playing WoW, tidying up my list of contacts.

In my email system I have more than 1200 contacts ! Perhaps I should have changed the default setting, which has been set to save every email address from every email. That's now done, future emails (in & out) should give me the option, to save or not. I spend several hours checking contacts and deleting ones that I don't need. Now there are 112 in my list... better !

There is a purpose to this:

Deb asked me, In the event of your demise, who do I contact ? I need to produce a list of who needs or wants to know and how to let them know. Not as easy as it seems ! I did try it once before, just because we were heading off on holiday... at a time when holiday-makers had been shot down close to Russia. That just didn't happen, neither the list of contacts nor the being shot down.

Now I have 122 people and organisations in my email contacts list. That will be the basis for a contact list for Deb. It's still not that simple...

There are people who need or want to know when I finally die. There are also the contacts for home services: fridge repairs, car service, that sort of thing. There are mailing lists and subscriptions and utilities -- which are websites rather than email, they will need to be added. There's probably more, I may remember them as I build the list.

Quite a few bills are paid automatically. That's fine, I've told Deb where to look for most of them. All fine -- unless my bank accounts are closed due to death ! Most regular auto bill payments come out of my bank account. Do I put them on the list, or change the payment to Deb's bank account ? There are good reasons for continuing to pay from my account... I need to list the expected auto bills -- and who to contact to change payment method.

I've been putting this off for months. Time for action :-)

Except that creating a contact list involves *in*action -- sitting at the PC, working through a contacts list, creating a list for Deb. And today is very cold.

I'm at home, while a ceiling is painted. (Old rain leak caused staining.) The front and back doors are open, to let the smell of paint clear from the house. It is a very cold day, leaving doors open is not good ! Luckily Deb is due home soon, I "must" close all doors and turn on all heaters. At last ! Fingers are starting to defrost.

I go to the toilet. Pee standing up. Without really thinking about anything other than how cold are my fingers. And as I pee in the bowl, across the lid, almost onto my feet -- I start to curse at what is happening.

Cursing at recalcitrant *inanimate* objects ?! Not quite :-)

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

"Out of my mind, please leave a message." … Ginger Meggs


Dying for you to read my blog, at :-)

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