Friday, September 7, 2018

shirt slogan still good :-)

Monday I have an MRI. Thursday I see the oncologist for results.

How are you ? she asks, as usual. You tell me, I reply, as usual.

My brain scan, she says … is clear. No tumour :-) In fact, the brain is slightly better than it was at the last scan, some surgical scar tissue has cleared up. So I am clear & clean, till the next scan in three months' time. Woohoo !

I have new shirts with the slogan, "Enjoy Life -- three months at a time." I am now starting the next three months :-) Just as well... the shirts cost too much to be thrown away already.

I also ask for more detail on the three month schedule. Yes, a tumour could easily appear within that time. No, it is not likely to grow enough -- in three months -- to cause serious physical problems. That reassures Deb as much as me: I am unlikely to keel over with no warning.

The doc says, Just watch out for physical problems. Headaches, loss of control on one side of the body, anything, really, that is out of the ordinary. The next tumour may give early -- physical -- warning.

This is reassuring, within limits... My first & so far only cancer symptom has been an unexpected collapse. No early warning. The reassurance is that three-monthly scans should detect a tumour before it gets serious enough to cause another collapse.

It seems that the doc's standard, How are you ? is more than just polite small-talk. When I reply, Well, I have these headaches and a tendency to bump into things on my left-hand side -- then the doc will tell me to worry. That makes sense !

I did tell the doc, I still have the tingling on the soles of my feet. I've mentioned this to both oncologist & radiation oncologist. They have ignored it... This time, the oncologist actually notices.

I explain, it's a known side-effect of the chemo drugs -- according to Wikipedia. Some patients' feet do more than tingle, they hurt so much that the patient cannot walk. My soles just tingle. As far as I can tell, all this is new to the oncologist.

Really, doctors should do more reading of Wikipedia :-)

A final point raised with the oncologist: I recently did the government poo test -- and blood was found in my poo. Is this a worry ?

First -- something that I did hope for -- I will be having a different scan (PET) next week. That will give enough detail to see if I have bowel cancer. No need for a colonoscopy. Unless I want one ? asks the doc. Ummm… well... no ! No thanks :-)

Is it possible, I wonder, that the cell-destroying cancer drug could have messed up my bowels ? caused some non-cancer bleeding ? Possible, says the doc. Which would be worse news if I were currently on the drug. Thanks to the clear MRI results -- I have no treatment at all, neither radiation nor drugs.

On a closely related topic: My digestion is back to, perhaps, 95% of normal. I can eat almost anything without upset. Everything goes through and out at a satisfactory rate. Possibly softer stools that in the past... which could change if I increase my running, with the resulting tendency to be less hydrated than I am now.

And finally (on the results of the poo test): Bowel cancer ? Pfft ! who cares ! I can already do "better" than bowel cancer :-)

The rest of the day, Deb & I are both remarkably cheerful :-)

Next day: still cheerful. Ready to plan a holiday a bit further ahead. But tired ! I may be suffering the after-effects of a week or more of stress. Or I could simply be relaxing into my usual state of lethargy.

The morning is a swimming lesson for our grandson. Again (for the second week in a row) I keep him company in the pool after the lesson. It's exhausting ! I suspect that I'm exercising muscles that have not been exercised for years. Just scooting round the pool, following -- and playing with, and lifting -- an active toddler.

Back home for the afternoon -- still with toddler -- I leave Deb with the child... as I sleep for an hour or so.

So all is good. Ready to enjoy life ! Three more months at a time :-)

Meanwhile, Deb has spent all winter with a series of colds. Which finally developed into a rather nasty cough. I can imagine all sorts of really nasty things that that could be :-(

Antibiotics (and time ?!) seem to have eased the coughing. After an x-ray, Deb's doc has declared that Deb has a chest infection. Not nice but nothing to panic about. Take more antibiotics and have another x-ray in a month.

Should I avoid exercise ? asks Deb. No, exercise will help clear the infection, says the doc. So. Orienteering on Sundays, perhaps some running during the week. And a walking holiday still to come.

I am relieved.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

"Out of my mind, please leave a message." … Ginger Meggs


Dying for you to read my blog, at :-)

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